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Style and morphometry of mass-transport deposits across the Espírito Santo Basin (offshore SE Brazil)

Gamboa, Davide ORCID:, Alves, Tiago M. ORCID: and Omosanya, Kamaldeen Olakunle 2019. Style and morphometry of mass-transport deposits across the Espírito Santo Basin (offshore SE Brazil). Ogata, Kei, Festa, Andrea and Pini, Gian Andrea, eds. Submarine Landslides: Subaqueous Mass Transport Deposits from Outrops to Seismic Profiles, Geophysical Monograph Series, American Geophysical Union, pp. 227-246. (10.1002/9781119500513.ch14)

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This work summarises the research undertaken on mass-transport deposits (MTDs) across the slope of the salt-rich Espírito Santo Basin in SE Brazil. The three stratigraphic units analysed show MTDs with variable characteristics. Paleogene MTDs in Unit 1 have the lowest average area (137 Km2) and are associated to fractured paleo-highs related to salt structures. Mid-Eocene to Oligocene MTDs in Unit 2 consist of large, southeast-directed flows derived from the northwestern area of the basin, with average areas and volumes of 495 Km2 and 35 Km3. Salt control on MTD flow is limited during the early depositional stages of Unit 2, but a clear influence is inferred to occur from the late Eocene-Oligocene. Miocene-Holocene MTDs in Unit 3 are variably confined. In proximal areas confinement is limited and MTDs have southeast-directed flows. In the transitional and distal domains, MTDs are highly confined by salt fairways that force decreases in MTD size and shifts in flow direction. MTDs in Unit 3 are up to 576 Km2 in proximal areas but do not exceed 42 Km2 in distal areas. The variability of MTDs offshore the Espírito Santo Basin relates to their flow dynamics and the influence of salt structures.

Item Type: Book Section
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Earth and Environmental Sciences
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
ISBN: 9781119500582
Funders: Sêr Cymru National Research Network for Low Carbon Energy and Environment
Date of Acceptance: 30 August 2018
Last Modified: 19 Apr 2024 09:45

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