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Experimenting with TripleCOPs: Productive innovation or counterproductive complexity?

Allan, Jen Iris ORCID:, Downie, David and Templeton, Jessica 2018. Experimenting with TripleCOPs: Productive innovation or counterproductive complexity? International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 18 (4) , pp. 557-572. 10.1007/s10784-018-9404-2

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The Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions are engaged in a path-breaking “synergies” initiative that coordinates and even integrates parts of their administration, operation, and implementation. This includes holding TripleCOPs during which their Conference of the Parties meet together in sequential and simultaneous sessions. This article provides a preliminary analysis of this unprecedented experimentation. We find several important positive and negative procedural, political, and policy consequences of the new format, including: countries with large delegations hold a variety of advantages; developing countries can potentially leverage negotiating strength in one convention to advance concerns in another; it is easier to address the environmentally sound management of chemicals and wastes holistically as well as specific technical issues that involve two or more of the treaties; and new opportunities exist for brinkmanship, obstruction, and cross-treaty negotiating that can make reaching agreement on some issues more difficult.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Department of Politics and International Relations (POLIR)
Cardiff Law & Politics
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
ISSN: 1567-9764
Date of Acceptance: 23 June 2018
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2022 13:14

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