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QUBIC: The Q & U bolometric interferometer for cosmology

Battistelli, E. S., Ade, P. ORCID:, Alberro, J. G., Almela, A., Amico, G., Arnaldi, L. H., Auguste, D., Aumont, J., Azzoni, S., Banfi, S., Battaglia, P., Baù, A., Bélier, B., Bennett, D., Bergé, L., Bernard, J.-Ph., Bersanelli, M., Bigot-Sazy, M.-A., Bleurvacq, N., Bonaparte, J., Bonis, J., Bottani, A., Bunn, E., Burke, D., Buzi, D., Buzzelli, A., Cavaliere, F., Chanial, P., Chapron, C., Charlassier, R., Columbro, F., Coppi, G., Coppolecchia, A., D'Alessandro, G., de Bernardis, P., De Gasperis, G., De Leo, M., De Petris, M., Dheilly, S., Di Donato, A., Dumoulin, L., Etchegoyen, A., Fasciszewski, A., Ferreyro, L. P., Fracchia, D., Franceschet, C., Lerena, M. M. Gamboa, Ganga, K., García, B., Redondo, M. E. García, Gaspard, M., Gault, A., Gayer, D., Gervasi, M., Giard, M., Gilles, V., Giraud-Heraud, Y., Berisso, M. Gómez, González, M., Gradziel, M., Grandsire, L., Hamilton, J.-Ch., Harari, D., Haynes, V., Henrot-Versillé, S., Hoang, D. T., Incardona, F., Jules, E., Kaplan, J., Korotkov, A., Kristukat, C., Lamagna, L., Loucatos, S., Louis, T., Luterstein, R., Maffei, B., Marnieros, S., Marty, W., Masi, S., Mattei, A., May, A., McCulloch, M., Medina, M. C., Mele, L., Melhuish, S., Mennella, A., Montier, L., Mousset, L., Mundo, L. M., Murphy, J. A., Murphy, J. D., Nati, F., Olivieri, E., Oriol, C., O'Sullivan, C., Paiella, A., Pajot, F., Passerini, A., Pastoriza, H., Pelosi, A., Perbost, C., Perciballi, M., Pezzotta, F., Piacentini, F., Piat, M., Piccirillo, L., Pisano, G. ORCID:, Platino, M., Polenta, G., Prêle, D., Puddu, R., Rambaud, D., Ringegni, P., Romero, G. E., Salatino, M., Salum, J. M., Schillaci, A., Scóccola, C., Scully, S., Spinelli, S., Stankowiak, G., Stolpovskiy, M., Suarez, F., Tartari, A., Thermeau, J.-P., Timbie, P., Tomasi, M., Torchinsky, S., Tristram, M., Tucker, C. ORCID:, Tucker, G., Vanneste, S., Viganò, D., Vittorio, N., Voisin, F., Watson, B., Wicek, F., Zannoni, M. and Zullo, A. 2020. QUBIC: The Q & U bolometric interferometer for cosmology. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (1-2) , pp. 482-490. 10.1007/s10909-020-02370-0

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The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology, QUBIC, is an innovative experiment designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background and in particular the signature left therein by the inflationary expansion of the Universe. The expected signal is extremely faint; thus, extreme sensitivity and systematic control are necessary in order to attempt this measurement. QUBIC addresses these requirements using an innovative approach combining the sensitivity of transition-edge sensor cryogenic bolometers, with the deep control of systematics characteristic of interferometers. This makes QUBIC unique with respect to others' classical imagers experiments devoted to the CMB polarization. In this contribution, we report a description of the QUBIC instrument including recent achievements and the demonstration of the bolometric interferometry performed in laboratory. QUBIC will be deployed at the observation site in Alto Chorrillos, in Argentina, at the end of 2019.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Physics and Astronomy
Publisher: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 0022-2291
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 30 April 2020
Date of Acceptance: 27 January 2020
Last Modified: 15 Nov 2024 03:45

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