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Excavations at Catridge Farm, Lacock, Wiltshire.

Forward, Alice, Last, Jonathan, Roberts, David ORCID:, Paynter, Sarah, Pelling, Ruth, Waterworth, Jessica and Campbell, Greg 2020. Excavations at Catridge Farm, Lacock, Wiltshire. [Project Report]. Research Department Reports, Historic England. Available at:

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This report describes the results of an excavation at the site of Catridge Farm, Lacock, Wiltshire, undertaken as part of the National Archaeological Identification Survey Pilot Project: West Wiltshire (A350 corridor), following an earthwork survey of settlement remains at the site. Overlying a medieval agricultural soil were the remains of an early postmedieval structure, probably a farm building, within which had been deposited a large dump of household refuse of 17th century date, including ceramics, glass vessels, metalwork, animal bone and charred plant remains. The report describes the excavated remains and the finds assemblages, including chemical analysis of the glass, and assesses the significance of the results in terms of our understanding of the settlement at Catridge and as a contribution to the archaeology of post-medieval rural households more generally.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Status: Published
Schools: History, Archaeology and Religion
Publisher: Historic England
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 23 July 2020
Date of Acceptance: 1 June 2020
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2022 10:49

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