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Obtaining an evidence-base for clinical dentistry through clinical trials.

Innes, Nicola P. T. ORCID:, Evans, Dafydd J. P., Clarkson, Jan E. and Foley, Jennifer I. 2005. Obtaining an evidence-base for clinical dentistry through clinical trials. Primary Dental Care os12 (3) , pp. 91-96. 10.1308/1355761054348459

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Ideally, all clinical practice should be based on the best available evidence; however, in general dental practice even a very routine issue, such as the appropriate management of the carious primary dentition, is hampered by the lack of a sound evidence-base from high quality clinical trials run in general dental practices. Furthermore, the use of the evidence that is available may be confounded by inadequate reporting. This paper reviews the difficulties reported in successfully completing such clinical trials, and reports on the authors’ own experiences. Suggestions are made for overcoming the challenge of patient recruitment in randomised controlled clinical trials in primary dental care. These include: regular contact with a principal investigator, who is viewed as a peer; ensuring the relevance of the research topic to the dentists’ daily practice; appropriate remuneration; acknowledgement of the contribution made and recognition of the contribution of research activity to continuing professional development. Use of the CONSORT statement to improve planning and reporting of clinical trials is recommended.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Dentistry
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2022 11:04

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