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Participant recruitment to FiCTION, a primary dental care trial-survey of facilitators and barriers

Keightley, A., Clarkson, J., Maguire, A., Speed, C. and Innes, N. ORCID: 2014. Participant recruitment to FiCTION, a primary dental care trial-survey of facilitators and barriers. British Dental Journal 217 (10) , E22. 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.1009

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Objective To identify reasons behind a lower than expected participant recruitment rate within the FiCTION trial, a multi-centre paediatric primary dental care randomised controlled trial (RCT). Subjects (materials) and methods An online survey, based on a previously published tool, consisting of both quantitative and qualitative responses, completed by staff in dental practices recruiting to FiCTION. Ratings from quantitative responses were aggregated to give overall scores for factors related to participant recruitment. Qualitative responses were independently grouped into themes. Results Thirty-nine anonymous responses were received. Main facilitators related to the support received from the central research team and importance of the research question. The main barriers related to low child eligibility rates and the integration of trial processes within routine workloads. Conclusions These findings have directed strategies for enhancing participant recruitment at existing practices and informed recruitment of further practices. The results help provide a profile of the features required of practices to successfully screen and recruit participants. Future trials in this setting should consider the level of interest in the research question within practices, and ensure trial processes are as streamlined as possible. Research teams should actively support practices with participant recruitment and maintain enthusiasm among the entire practice team.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Dentistry
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
ISSN: 0007-0610
Date of Acceptance: 25 July 2014
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2022 11:05

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