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Prehistoric journeys

Cummings, Victoria and Johnson, Robert 2007. Prehistoric journeys. Oxbow.

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This collection of thirteen papers focuses on what it meant to be 'on the move' at different times in prehistory. Ideas of journeys and travel are integral to many traditions of interpreting the prehistoric archaeological record. Travel was after all the driving force behind the formation and trans formation of identity. How ironic it is that this feature of prehistory has been so overlooked when the ancient world's 'discovery' in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries occurred primarily as the result of travel. The contributors to this volume see journeys as an integral part of prehistoric life - socially meaningful - which must be understood within their (pre)historic contexts.

Item Type: Book
Book Type: Edited Book
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > History, Archaeology and Religion
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General)
Publisher: Oxbow
ISBN: 9781842172506
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2024 12:47

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