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Airing Pain: Bringing together the pain community

Parsons, Gareth 2024. Airing Pain: Bringing together the pain community. Pain News 22 (3) , pp. 97-99.

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In this article, Paul Evans talks about the setting up and running of Airing Pain, a radio show that aims to benefit the pain community. I first met Paul at the British Pain Society and was a willing interviewee for Airing Pain on two occasions. Once, when Paul very gently interrogated me about my PhD and was able to provide insights that I had not considered at the time, that later informed my ideas. On the second time, Paul came to report on an education day, and my colleagues and I ran for our student nurses. He has a wonderful way about him for putting people at ease and allowing them to fully explain their ideas and experiences, which is rather unique in these times. Airing Pain is a fantastic resource; I use it to keep up to date with current ideas and as an education resource for my students. I would wholly recommend listening to Airing Pain; it will open you up to different ideas and approaches, and if, like me, you have something to say to people about pain, it is a fantastic way to disseminate and share ideas.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Healthcare Sciences
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISSN: 2050-4497
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 8 November 2024
Date of Acceptance: September 2024
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2024 15:00

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