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Characterisation of novel trimetallic catalyst for CO2 activation

Mediavilla Madrigal, Sofia 2024. Characterisation of novel trimetallic catalyst for CO2 activation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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The last decades have seen renewed interest in converting CO2 into value-added products due to the considerable increment in emissions into the atmosphere, accelerating the effects of global warming. Utilising this greenhouse gas to synthesise liquid fuels like methanol would not only help mitigate its release but also reduce the dependence on fossil fuels as a primary energy feedstock. Moreover, catalytic CO2 hydrogenation to methanol could potentially aid in the storage and transportation of renewably generated energy, such as using methanol or its derivatives as hydrogen carriers, thus easing the storage conditions of hydrogen for later use. Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, also known as CZA, is industrially utilised to synthesise methanol on a global scale. Modifications to the model system and alternative systems more resistant to water have been the focus of recent research on the topic. Chapters 3 and 4 cover one of the most promising catalyst designs involving supported PdZn nanoparticles on TiO2. In Chapter 3, combined XAS-XRD studies were conducted to gain insights into how structural changes affect the activity of these catalysts under reaction conditions while varying the Zn concentration and to study the salient properties and formation of the β-PdZn alloy. The impact that Zn concentration has on surface speciation is then investigated in Chapter 4 by IR spectroscopy, where results from both the adsorption of probe molecules such as CO as well as reaction studies are presented. Finally, Chapter 5 contains further X-ray studies over CuPd/ZnO catalysts series. The first part of this Chapter examines the effect that varying reduction temperatures has on the structure of these systems as a function of Cu loading and thus the properties and formation of bi- and trimetallic alloys. The impact that the addition of Au has on these structural changes and alloy composition is included in the second part.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Date Type: Completion
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Chemistry
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 27 January 2025
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2025 15:55

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