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Current disparity in multi-column surge arresters

Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Waters, Ronald T, German, D M and Abdul-Malek, Z 2005. Current disparity in multi-column surge arresters. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution 152 (6) , pp. 945-951. 10.1049/ip-gtd:20045051

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High-voltage surge arresters for high-current, high-energy duty often comprise several parallel ZnO columns. The extreme nonlinearity of the voltage-current characteristics of these columns demands close matching. However, even initially well matched columns can be unbalanced by ageing, partial discharges, self inductance and thermal effects. Two test techniques are described to examine current disparity in a pair of parallel 15 kV rated surge arresters: these are a current-ratio method and a current-difference method. The tests allow three aspects of parallel operation to be investigated: the use of ballast resistors to minimise mismatch effects and to increase energy absorption rating; the influence of the arrester layout on current parity; and temperature-difference perturbation of transient characteristics.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Engineering
Uncontrolled Keywords: 15 kV , ZnO , ZnO columns , ageing , ballast resistors , current disparity , current-difference method , current-ratio method , energy absorption rating , high-voltage surge arresters , multicolumn surge arresters , parallel operation , partial discharges , self inductance , temperature-difference perturbation , thermal effects , transient characteristics , voltage-current characteristics
ISSN: 13502360
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2022 09:03

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