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High resolution continuum observations of the Orion Nebula at 3.3mm with MUSTANG and the GBT

Korngut, Phillip, Dicker, S., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Aguirre, J., Ames, T., Benford, D. J., Chervenak, J. A., Chen, T. C., Compiegne, M., Cotton, W. D., Devlin, M., Figueroa-Feliciano, E., Irwin, K., Maher, S., Martin, P., Mello, M., Moseley, H., Tucker, Carole ORCID:, Staguhn, J., Werner, B. and White, S. D. 2008. High resolution continuum observations of the Orion Nebula at 3.3mm with MUSTANG and the GBT. Presented at: American Astronomical Society Meeting 212, St. Louis, MO, 1 May 2008.

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We present recent observations of the Orion nebula taken with MUSTANG, a 64 pixel TES array at 90 GHz. This data, obtained with the 100m Green Bank Telescope yields a high resolution (8") map while maintaining good sensitivity to extended structure. This observation of Orion at a wavelength of 3mm is uniquely sensitive to both the free-free emission from the nebular gas ionized by the O stars in the Trapezium and thermal dust emission from the dense molecular cloud OMC 1. Combined with other data sets of comparable spatial resolution (e.g. VLA and/or GBT continuum for the free-free and SCUBA 450 and 850microns, BOLOCAM 1mm for the thermal dust emission), spectral decomposition of the MUSTANG map will be used to study the dust emissivity and its possible variation through this region which is among the most active sites of star formation near the Sun.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Schools > Physics and Astronomy
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2022 09:56

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