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Sobolev, Hardy and CLR inequalities associated with Pauli operators in R3 [Letter]

Balinsky, Alexander ORCID:, Evans, William Desmond and Lewis, Roger T. 2001. Sobolev, Hardy and CLR inequalities associated with Pauli operators in R3 [Letter]. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (5) , L19-L23. 10.1088/0305-4470/34/5/101

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In a previous article, the first two authors have proved that the existence of zero modes of Pauli operators is a rare phenomenon; inter alia, it is proved that for |B|inL3/2(R3), the set of magnetic fields B which do not yield zero modes contains an open dense subset of [L3/2(R3)]3. Here the analysis is taken further, and it is shown that Sobolev, Hardy and Cwikel-Lieb-Rosenbljum (CLR) inequalities hold for Pauli operators for all magnetic fields in the aforementioned open dense set.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Mathematics
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Publisher: IOP Publishing
ISSN: 0305-4470
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2022 09:38

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