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On the nature of class-I sources in ρ ophiuchus

Ceccarelli, C., Griffin, Matthew ORCID:, André, P., Saraceno, P., Molinari, S. and Russell, S. 1993. On the nature of class-I sources in ρ ophiuchus. Il Nuovo Cimento C 16 (5) , pp. 597-603. 10.1007/BF02512040

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We present mm broad-band photometry of class-I sources in ρ Ophiuchus that do not show signs of outflow activity. These sources have been considered as probable protostellar candidates, since they are among the most luminous members (few tens of solar luminosties) of this star-forming region and are heavily embedded, as shown by their steeply increasing spectra toward longer wavelengths. In comparison to some famous low-luminosity outflow (OF) sources, the non-outflow (NOF) sources show lower 1.3 mm fluxes, raising doubts as to thei evolutionary stage. Our mm/submm data enabled us to derive the dust temperature and opacity power law exponent β. From these we derive strong constraints on the mass surrounding these objects and conclude that NOF class-I sources in ρ Ophiuchus have much less mass than OF sources with similar luminosities. We discuss the implications of such a finding in the evolutionary scenario of a young star.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Physics and Astronomy
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Q Science > QC Physics
Publisher: Italian Physical Society
ISSN: 0390-5551
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2022 10:13

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