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Expression of the human cytomegalovirus UL11 glycoprotein in viral infection and evaluation of its effect on virus-specific CD8 T cells

Gabaev, I., Elbasani, E., Ameres, S., Steinbruck, L., Stanton, Richard James ORCID:, Doring, M., Lenac Rovis, T., Kalinke, U., Jonjic, S., Moosmann, A. and Messerle, M. 2014. Expression of the human cytomegalovirus UL11 glycoprotein in viral infection and evaluation of its effect on virus-specific CD8 T cells. Journal of Virology 88 (24) , pp. 14326-14339. 10.1128/JVI.01691-14

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The human cytomegalovirus (CMV) UL11 open reading frame (ORF) encodes a putative type I transmembrane glycoprotein which displays remarkable amino acid sequence variability among different CMV isolates, suggesting that it represents an important virulence factor. In a previous study, we have shown that UL11 can interact with the cellular receptor tyrosine phosphatase CD45, which has a central role for signal transduction in T cells, and treatment of T cells with large amounts of a soluble UL11 protein inhibited their proliferation. In order to analyze UL11 expression in CMV-infected cells, we constructed CMV recombinants whose genomes either encode tagged UL11 versions or carry a stop mutation in the UL11 ORF. Moreover, we examined whether UL11 affects the function of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). We found that the UL11 ORF gives rise to several proteins due to both posttranslational modification and alternative translation initiation sites. Biotin labeling of surface proteins on infected cells indicated that only highly glycosylated UL11 forms are present at the plasma membrane, whereas less glycosylated UL11 forms were found in the endoplasmic reticulum. We did not find evidence of UL11 cleavage or secretion of a soluble UL11 version. Cocultivation of CTLs recognizing different CMV epitopes with fibroblasts infected with a UL11 deletion mutant or the parental strain revealed that under the conditions applied UL11 did not influence the activation of CMV-specific CD8 T cells. For further studies, we propose to investigate the interaction of UL11 with CD45 and the functional consequences in other immune cells expressing CD45.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Publisher: American Society for Microbiology
ISSN: 0022-538X
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 27 July 2017
Date of Acceptance: 25 September 2014
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2022 09:20

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