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“A future to believe in”: introducing varieties of advocacy journalism. The examples sustainability and the Sanders campaign

Laws, Norman and Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. “A future to believe in”: introducing varieties of advocacy journalism. The examples sustainability and the Sanders campaign. Journalism Studies 21 (9) , pp. 1261-1283. 10.1080/1461670x.2020.1742773

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In this paper we argue that if social constructivism theory is to be taken seriously, the distinction between reportive journalism and advocacy journalism cannot hold anymore. We propose to use another working distinction between progressive (and also regressive) advocacy journalism, postulating forms of social change, and status quo advocacy journalism, which, directly or indirectly, postulates lack of change. To illustrate this distinction, we use two different examples that may seem unrelated. However, as we try to show, they are overlapping and intermingled. These examples are the different notions of sustainability and the coverage of the Sanders campaign during US primaries in 2016.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Published Online
Status: Published
Schools: Modern Languages
Publisher: Routledge
ISSN: 1469-9699
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2024 04:30

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