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Reflections of mentors and mentees on a national mentoring programme for pharmacists in the United Kingdom: An examination into organisational culture and systems

Chang, Helen, Desselle, Shane, Canedo, Joanne and Mantzourani, Efi ORCID: 2022. Reflections of mentors and mentees on a national mentoring programme for pharmacists in the United Kingdom: An examination into organisational culture and systems. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 18 (4) , pp. 2659-2669. 10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.05.014

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Background There is no accepted or consistent model for delivering mentoring programmes, manifesting in some debate surrounding the ideal conducive system. Mentorship structures and culture within pharmacy can be advanced by researching experiences of mentors and mentees. Objective To explore lived experiences of participants in a nationwide mentoring programme in relation to motivations and barriers associated with engaging with mentoring, and what system changes and organisational culture shift could further support mentoring for pharmacy professionals. Methods This study adopted a constructivist research paradigm, with a qualitative design to focus on how participants interpreted the world and their experiences. Verbatim transcripts of recordings were examined using deductive and inductive thematic analysis. Results Participants in twenty one-to-one interviews appreciated the programme's allowance for organic relationships to occur, its contribution towards advancing the profession forward, its flexibility, and available resources. They discussed training needs and a more formal onboarding process into the programme that facilitated greater awareness of resources, as well as the need to evaluate and tweak it. System changes were highlighted so that mentoring can be part of the organisational culture, such as incorporating mentoring in job descriptions to increase capacity, senior members of the profession acting as role models, and linking mentoring to existing education and development structures. Conclusion Data demonstrated the need for formal structure but that which allowed for informal and organic relationships to develop. It is paramount for sponsoring organisations to provide resources and continuously monitor the program. The rich information gathered on administrative support and structure of a mentoring programme, along with its organisational facets, should help organisations when implementing similar initiatives. An organisation sponsoring or administering a mentoring programme must take actions that help codify its mentoring culture and its advocacy of mentoring as key to advancement for its profession's members.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Pharmacy
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 1551-7411
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 15 February 2022
Date of Acceptance: 20 May 2021
Last Modified: 01 Dec 2024 19:45

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