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Transmediality as a transcultural dialogue: Pasolini between the Other and the Self

Chianese, Francesco 2022. Transmediality as a transcultural dialogue: Pasolini between the Other and the Self. Diacritica 44 (1) , pp. 69-92.

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Working on Pier Paolo Pasolini in the international context of Italian studies alongside the context of Italian studies defined by national borders often gives the impression of exploring two different authors. On the one hand, this can be attributed to the specific and original nature of Pasolini’s oeuvre, based on the contradictory and often inconsistent thought carried out by the author. On the other hand, Pasolini’s case makes evident that there is still a lot of work to be done on the transnational turn often auspicated in the wider and international field of Italian studies, to which Pasolini’s work may contribute crucially, highlighting many ways to bridge mainland Italy with the Italies projected abroad. Consequently, this contribution follows the inspiration behind this bilingual collection of essays and other recent collective publications.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Modern Languages
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PB Modern European Languages
Language other than English: Italian
ISSN: 2421-115X
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 24 February 2023
Date of Acceptance: 21 May 2022
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2024 13:30

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