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Mindfulness-based online support for children and families affected by skin conditions

Hughes, Olivia 2023. Mindfulness-based online support for children and families affected by skin conditions. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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The research presented in this thesis concerns the psychosocial impact of skin conditions for children and parents, with a specific focus on understanding their needs, and determining the potential role that mindfulness might have in alleviating stress. A mixed methods approach was used, broadly following a participatory person based approach and ultimately led to the testing of a novel intervention. Mindfulness involves acting with awareness, focusing attention on the present, and responding in a non-judgemental manner to experiences. A systematic review of mindfulness for children with physical health conditions suggested there is a gap in research employing interventions with families and indicated the approach could reduce anxiety, depression and caregiver stress. To understand the issues faced by children affected by skin conditions, there is a need to investigate the experiences of people with lived expertise. Study 1 employed qualitative enquiry with dyadic interviews with families (n=23) to identify issues surrounding care/current psychological support, gain feedback on what is needed from future interventions, and investigate the relevance of mindfulness. Findings suggested that mindfulness might be well-accepted by children and their parents, and desires were expressed for exercises to reduce daily stress, that could: (1) fit into everyday routines, (2) be delivered online, and (3) include group support. Study 2 was a qualitative investigation of (n=15) dermatology/psychology healthcare professionals’ (HCPs) experiences of providing care for children with skin conditions and their views on psychological support. Findings supported existing evidence for the burden experienced by families, and suggested that parents might benefit as the therapeutic target. HCPs acknowledged the need for further support for children and their families. Therefore, Study 3 used single-case methods to investigate the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention for n=10 parents of children with common and rare skin conditions. The ‘Living in the Present’ intervention was an eight-week facilitated psychoeducational group. The findings suggested mindfulness could reduce parental stress and improve quality of life. Overall, the body of work within this thesis demonstrates that mindfulness could be an effective intervention for families affected by skin conditions.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Date Type: Completion
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Psychology
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 11 January 2024
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2024 13:34

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