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Europe in the Neolithic: essays in honour of Professor Alasdair Whittle

Bickle, Penny, Cummings, Vicki, Hofmann, Daniela and Pollard, Joshua, eds. 2017. Europe in the Neolithic: essays in honour of Professor Alasdair Whittle. Oxbow.

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The Neolithic of Europe comprises eighteen specially commissioned papers on prehistoric archaeology, written by leading international scholars. The coverage is broad, ranging geographically from southeast Europe to Britain and Ireland and chronologically from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, but with a decided focus on the former. Several papers discuss new scientific approaches to key questions in Neolithic research, while others offer interpretive accounts of aspects of the archaeological record. Thematically, the main foci are on Neolithisation; the archaeology of Neolithic daily life, settlements and subsistence; as well as monuments and aspects of world view. A number of contributions highlight the recent impact of techniques such as isotopic analysis and statistically modeled radiocarbon dates on our understanding of mobility, diet, lifestyles, events and historical processes. The volume is presented to celebrate the enormous impact that Alasdair Whittle has had on the study of prehistory, especially the European and British Neolithic, and his rich career in archaeology.

Item Type: Book
Book Type: Edited Book
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: History, Archaeology and Religion
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General)
Publisher: Oxbow
ISBN: 9781785706547
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025 15:39

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