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Uptake and 4-week quit rates from an opt-out co-located smoking cessation service delivered alongside community-based low-dose computed tomography screening within the Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial

Murray, Rachael L., Alexandris, Panos, Baldwin, David, Brain, Kate ORCID:, Britton, John, Crosbie, Philip A. J., Gabe, Rhian, Lewis, Sarah, Parrott, Steve, Quaife, Samantha L., Tam, Hui Zen, Wu, Qi, Beeken, Rebecca, Copeland, Harriet, Eckert, Claire, Hancock, Neil, Lindop, Jason, McCutchan, Grace ORCID:, Marshall, Catriona, Neal, Richard D., Rogerson, Suzanne, Scoggins, Harriet D. Quinn ORCID:, Simmonds, Irene, Thorley, Rebecca and Callister, Matthew E. 2024. Uptake and 4-week quit rates from an opt-out co-located smoking cessation service delivered alongside community-based low-dose computed tomography screening within the Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial. European Respiratory Journal 63 , 2301768. 10.1183/13993003.01768-2023

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Background: Up to 50% of those attending for low dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer continue to smoke, and co-delivery of smoking cessation services alongside screening may maximise clinical benefit. Here we present data from an opt-out co-located smoking cessation service delivered alongside the Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial (YLST). Methods: Eligible YLST participants were offered an immediate consultation with a smoking cessation practitioner (SCP) at their screening visit with on-going smoking cessation support over subsequent weeks. Results: Of 2,150 eligible participants, 1,905 (89%) accepted the offer of an SCP consultation during their initial visit, with 1,609 (75%) receiving ongoing smoking cessation support over subsequent weeks. Uptake of ongoing support was not associated with age, ethnicity, deprivation, or educational level in multivariable analyses, although men were less likely to engage (ORadj 0.71, 95% CI 0.56-0.89). Uptake was higher in those with higher nicotine dependency, motivation to stop smoking and self-efficacy for quitting. Overall, 323 participants self-reported quitting at 4-weeks (15.0% of the eligible population); 266 were validated by exhaled carbon monoxide (12.4%). Multivariable analyses of eligible smokers suggested 4 week quitting was more likely in men (OR¬adj 1.43, 95%CI 1.11-1.84), those with higher motivation to quit and previous quit attempts, while those with a stronger smoking habit in terms of cigarettes/day were less likely to quit. Conclusions: There was high uptake for co-located opt-out smoking cessation support across a wide range of participant demographics. Protected funding for integrated smoking cessation services should be considered to maximise programme equity and benefit.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
ISSN: 0903-1936
Funders: Cancer Research UK; Horizon 2020; UK Prevention Partnership
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 5 March 2024
Date of Acceptance: 1 March 2024
Last Modified: 21 May 2024 14:11

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