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Internal consistency and correlation of the adverse childhood experiences, bully victimization, self-esteem, resilience, and social support scales in Nigerian children

Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin, Oginni, Olakunle, Arowolo, Olaniyi and El Tantawi, Maha 2020. Internal consistency and correlation of the adverse childhood experiences, bully victimization, self-esteem, resilience, and social support scales in Nigerian children. BMC Research Notes 13 (1) , 331. 10.1186/s13104-020-05174-3

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Objectives We evaluated the internal consistencies and the correlation between measures of adverse childhood experiences (ACE), bully victimization, self-esteem, resilience, and social support in children/adolescents in Nigeria. Results The Cronbach’s alphas were 0.67 for the ACE Questionnaire; 0.79 for the victimization subscale of the Illinois Bully Scale; 0.60 for Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale; 0.81 for Connor–Davidson resilience scale; and 0.93 for multidimensional perceived social support scale. Social support was negatively correlated with ACE (r = − 0.21) and bully victimization (r = − 0.16) and was associated with higher self-esteem (r = − 0.29) and higher resilience (r = 0.15). Likewise, higher resilience was associated with fewer ACE (r = − 0.07), higher self-esteem (r = − 0.21), and higher bully victimization (r = 0.13). Higher self-esteem was associated with fewer ACE (r = 0.25) and lower bully victimization (r = 0.16), whereas bully victimization was positively correlated with ACE (r = 0.20). The correlations were all statistically significant.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Publisher: BioMed Central
ISSN: 1756-0500
Date of Acceptance: 4 July 2020
Last Modified: 21 May 2024 14:45

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