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Reactome Pengine: A web-logic API to the Homo sapiens reactome

Neaves, S ORCID:, Tsoka, S and Millard, L 2018. Reactome Pengine: A web-logic API to the Homo sapiens reactome. Bioinformatics 34 (16) , pp. 2856-2858. 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty181

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Existing ways of accessing data from the Reactome database are limited. Either a researcher is restricted to particular queries defined by a web application programming interface (API) or they have to download the whole database. Reactome Pengine is a web service providing a logic programming-based API to the human reactome. This gives researchers greater flexibility in data access than existing APIs, as users can send their own small programs (alongside queries) to Reactome Pengine. © The Author(s) 2018.

Item Type: Article
Status: Published
Schools: Medicine
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISSN: 1367-4803
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2024 15:01

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