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Towards a general theory for modelling qualitative space

Abdelmoty, Alia ORCID: and El-Geresy, B.A. 2002. Towards a general theory for modelling qualitative space. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11 (3) , pp. 347-367. 10.1142/S0218213002000939

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Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning are techniques for modeling and manipulating objects and relationships in space. Finding ways for defining the complete and sound (physically plausible) set of relationships between spatial objects is a prerequisite for the development and realization of qualitative representation and reasoning formalisms. Establishing the set of sound relationships is a complicated task especially when complex objects are considered. Hence, current approaches to qualitative representation and reasoning are limited to handling simple spatial objects. In this paper, we introduce a constraint-based approach to qualitative representation of topological relationships by defining a set of general soundness rules. The rules reduce the combinatorial set of relations produced by the method to the complete and physically possible ones. The rules are general and apply to objects of arbitrary complexity and together with the representation and reasoning formalism form a theory for qualitative space.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Computer Science & Informatics
Publisher: World Scientific
ISSN: 0218-2130
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 12 January 2017
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2024 09:30

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