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Negative and positive masked-priming - implications for motor inhibition

Sumner, Petroc ORCID: 2007. Negative and positive masked-priming - implications for motor inhibition. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 3 (1-2) , pp. 317-326. 10.2478/v10053-008-0033-0

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Masked stimuli can prime responses to subsequent target stimuli, causing response benefits when the prime is similar to the target. However, one masked-prime paradigm has produced counter-intuitive negative compatibility effects (NCE), such that performance costs occur when prime and target are similar. This NCE has been interpreted as an index of an automatic self-inhibition mechanism that suppresses the partial motor activation caused by the prime. However, several alternative explanations for the NCE have been proposed and supported by new evidence. As a framework for discussion, I divide the original theory into five potentially separable issues and briefly examine each with regard to alternative theories and current evidence. These issues are: 1) whether the NCE is caused by motor inhibition or perceptual interactions; 2) whether inhibition is self-triggered or stimulus-triggered; 3) whether prime visibility plays a causal role; 4) whether there is a threshold for triggering inhibition; 5) whether inhibition is automatic. Lastly, I briefly consider why NCEs have not been reported in other priming paradigms, and what the neural substrate for any automatic motor inhibition might be.

Item Type: Article
Status: Published
Schools: Psychology
Uncontrolled Keywords: object updating; active mask; automatic; subliminal
Publisher: Versita
ISSN: 1895-1171
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2022 09:37

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