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Mineralogical modelling and petrophysical parameters in Permian gas shales from the Roseneath and Murteree formations, Cooper Basin, Australia

Jadoon, K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, Thomas ORCID:, Wust, R. and Shah, S. 2016. Mineralogical modelling and petrophysical parameters in Permian gas shales from the Roseneath and Murteree formations, Cooper Basin, Australia. Petroleum Exploration and Development 43 (2) , pp. 277-284. 10.1016/S1876-3804(16)30031-3

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To estimate the resources of Permian Roseneath and Murteree gas shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia, geochemical analysis, log interpretation and core analysis techniques were combined to conduct mineralogical modelling and define petrophysical parameters of both formations. With the sedimentologic, petrographic, SEM and XRD data derived from analysis of cores and cuttings, a mineralogical model was built for target formations. Moreover, based on the results of conventional core analysis, wireline logging, SEM analysis, XRD analysis, and geochemical and petrographic analysis, a petrophysical model was established for key wells. Then, these models were used to analyse the mineral composition and petrophysical properties of Roseneath and Murteree gas shales. The results show that both Roseneath and Murteree gas shales are composed of clay, quartz, carbonate and kerogen, as well as a small quantity of auxiliary minerals (e.g. feldspar and siderite). According to porosity, permeability, TOC, water saturation, mineral composition and other parameters, it is concluded that Murteree shale has higher potential than Roseneath shale within the basin, except for areas in and around Well Encounter 1 where Roseneath exhibit excellent potential.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Earth and Environmental Sciences
Subjects: Q Science > QE Geology
Additional Information: Pdf uploaded in accordance with publisher's policy at (accessed 21/06/2016)
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 1876-3804
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 30 March 2016
Date of Acceptance: 30 September 2015
Last Modified: 01 Dec 2024 23:00

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