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Coal House: fictions of the past on the small screen

Williams, Christopher 2008. Coal House: fictions of the past on the small screen. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies, 3 (2) , pp. 80-99. 10.7227/CST.3.2.7

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This dossier exemplifies the rich and complex process involved in producing television history. Drawing together a commissioner, executive and series producers, multi-platform director and historical consultant, the dossier offers insights into the making of BBC Wales’ 2007 award-winning, Coal House, an historical docu-drama that saw three Welsh families ‘transported’ back to 1927 to experience day-to-day life in the South Wales coalfield. Now in production for its second series, Coal House at War, this multi-platform project raises timely questions regarding the role of public service broadcasting in creating a sense of a national past in a digital and post-devolutionary age.

Item Type: Article
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > History, Archaeology and Religion
Subjects: D History General and Old World > DA Great Britain
P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General) > PN1993 Motion Pictures
Uncontrolled Keywords: Coal House; BBC Wales; Indus Films; drama-documentary; historical reality-TV; production; television history
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2024 21:00

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