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Protected diazonium salts: a continuous-flow preparation of triazenes including the anticancer compounds dacarbazine and mitozolomide

Schotten, Christiane, Aldmairi, Abdul Hadi ORCID:, Sagatov, Yerbol, Shepherd, Martyn and Browne, Duncan L. ORCID: 2016. Protected diazonium salts: a continuous-flow preparation of triazenes including the anticancer compounds dacarbazine and mitozolomide. Journal of Flow Chemistry 6 (3) , pp. 218-225. 10.1556/1846.2016.00025

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Herein, we report a continuous-flow process for the preparation of triazenes, whereby diazonium salts are generated and converted into their masked or protected triazene derivatives. Key to realizing the process, which is applicable to a wide range of substrates, is the identification of solvent and reagent parameters that avoid fouling and clogging in the tubing used in these studies. The process has also been applied to prepare the antineoplastic agents mitozolomide and dacarbazine. We also report isolation and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis of an anthranilic acidderived triazene whose related diazonium salt is a contact explosive. The data highlights improved stability but also suggests that an exothermic process does occur with an onset temperature of 118 °C. Finally, an 18-hour continuous operation of the reaction procedure using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pumps is reported.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Chemistry
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry
Uncontrolled Keywords: triazenes, diazonium, salts, anti-cancer, compounds
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado
ISSN: 2062-249X
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 4 August 2016
Date of Acceptance: 13 June 2016
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024 07:00

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