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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 62.

Douglas, Gillian 2016. Towards an understanding of the basis of obligation and commitment in family law. Legal Studies- Society of Public Teachers of Law 36 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.1111/lest.12118

Douglas, Gillian 2016. The changing concept of "family" and challenges for family law in England and Wales. Scherpe, Jens, ed. European Family Law: The Changing Concept of 'Family' and Challenges for Domestic Family Law, Vol. II. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 22-38.

Douglas, Gillian 2016. Parenthood: commitment, status and rights. Eekelaar, John, ed. Family Law in Britain and America in the New Century, Brill Nijhoff, pp. 91-106.

Douglas, Gillian 2015. Who regulates marriage? The case of religious marriage and divorce. Sandberg, Russell, ed. Religion and Legal Pluralism, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 53-66.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2015. Bromley's family law [11th ed.]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Douglas, Gillian, Sandberg, Russell ORCID:, Doe, Norman ORCID:, Gilliat-Ray, Sophie ORCID: and Khan, Asma 2014. Religious divorce in England and Wales: religious tribunals in action. Shah, Prakash, Foblets, Marie-Claire and Rohe, Mathias, eds. Family, Religion and Law: Cultural encounters in Europe, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 195-208.

Douglas, Gillian 2014. Family provision and family practices - The discretionary regime of the Inheritance Act of England and Wales. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 4 (2) , pp. 122-142.

Douglas, Gillian 2013. Implications of recent developments in private child and family law for children's rights. Seen and Heard 23 (4) , pp. 27-33.

Douglas, Gillian 2013. 'Modernising' family law in England and Wales: A brave new world? Die Praxis des Familienrechts May , pp. 395-409.

Douglas, Gillian 2013. New families, new governance: International perspectives on hearing and listening in family regulation. Family Law 2013 (May) , pp. 559-563.

Douglas, Gillian, Doe, Christopher Norman ORCID:, Sandberg, Russell ORCID:, Gilliat-Ray, Sophie ORCID: and Khan, Asma 2013. Accommodating religious divorce in the secular state: A case study analysis. Maclean, Mavis and Eekelaar, John, eds. Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies, Onati International Series in Law and Society, vol. 1. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 185-201.

Douglas, Gillian, Doe, Christopher Norman ORCID:, Gilliat-Ray, Sophie ORCID:, Sandberg, Russell ORCID: and Khan, Asma 2012. The role of religious tribunals in regulating marriage and divorce. Child and Family Law Quarterly 24 (2) , pp. 139-157.

Douglas, Gillian 2012. Simple Quarrels? Autonomy vs. Vulnerability. Probert, Rebecca and Barton, Chris, eds. Fifty Years in Family Law: Essays for Stephen Cretney, Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 217-229.

Douglas, Gillian 2011. Women in English family law: when is equality equity? Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 2011 (July) , pp. 18-36.

Douglas, Gillian, Woodward, Hilary Diana, Humphrey, Alun, Mills, Lisa and Morrell, Gareth 2011. Enduring love: attitudes to family and inheritance law in England and Wales. Journal of Law and Society 38 (2) , pp. 245-271. 10.1111/j.1467-6478.2011.00542.x

Douglas, Gillian, Doe, Christopher Norman ORCID:, Gilliat-Ray, Sophie ORCID:, Sandberg, Russell ORCID: and Khan, Asma 2011. Social cohesion and civil law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Douglas, Gillian 2011. Contact is not a Commodity to be Bartered for Money. Family Law 41 , pp. 491-496.

Douglas, Gillian, Woodward, Hilary Diana, Humphrey, Alun, Morell, Gareth and Mills, Lisa 2011. Keep it in the family. PS Private Client Magazine (91) , pp. 21-23.

Douglas, Gillian 2011. Bringing an end to the matrimonial post mortem: Wachtel v Wachtel and its enduring significance for ancillary relief. Gilmore, Stephen, Herring, Jonathan and Probert, Rebecca, eds. Landmark Cases in Family Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 135-154.

Douglas, Gillian, Woodward, Hilary Diana, Humphrey, A., Morrell, Gareth and Mills, Lisa 2010. Inheritance and the family: public attitudes. Family Law 40 , pp. 1308-1316.

Humphrey, Alun, Mills, Lisa, Morrell, Gareth, Douglas, Gilian and Woodward, Hilary Diana 2010. Inheritance and the family: attitudes to will-making and intestacy. [Project Report]. National Centre for Social Research. Available at:

Douglas, Gillian, Pearce, Julia and Woodward, Hilary Diana 2009. Money, property, cohabitation and separation: patterns and intentions. Miles, Joanna and Probert, Rebecca, eds. Sharing Lives, Dividing Assets: An Inter-Disciplinary Study, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 139-160.

Douglas, Gillian 2009. The continuing evolution of family law. Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, eds. The Continuing Evolution of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-37.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, eds. 2009. The continuing evolution of family law. Bristol: Family Law.

Douglas, Gillian, Pearce, Julia and Woodward, Hilary Diana 2009. Cohabitants, property and the law: a study of injustice. Modern Law Review 72 (1) , pp. 24-47. 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00732.x

Douglas, Gillian 2008. Fairness and equality: the English courts' struggles with property division on divorce. Helms, Tobias and Zeppernick, Jens Martin, eds. Living Family Law: Festschrift for Frank Rainer, Frankfurt: Verlag fur Standesamtswese, pp. 101-117.

Hollingsworth, Kathryn and Douglas, Gillian 2008. Creating a children's champion for Wales? The Care Standards Act 2000 (Part V) and the Children's Commissioner for Wales Act 2001. Modern Law Review 65 (1) , pp. 58-78. 10.1111/1468-2230.00366

Williams, Catherine, Potter, Gary and Douglas, Gillian 2008. Cohabitation and intestacy: public opinion and law reform. Child and Family Law Quarterly 20 (4) , pp. 499-521.

Douglas, Gillian 2008. Cohabitation and Conveyancing Practice: Problems and Solutions. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 72 (5) , pp. 365-381.

Douglas, Gillian, Pearce, Julia and Woodward, Hilary Diana 2008. The Law Commission's cohabitation proposals - applying them in practice. Family Law 38 , pp. 351-357.

Douglas, Gillian, Pearce, Julia and Woodward, Hilary 2007. A failure of trust: resolving property disputes on cohabitation breakdown. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff Law School. Available at:

Pearce, Julia, Woodward, Hilary and Douglas, Gillian 2007. Dealing with property issues on cohabitation breakdown. Family Law 37 , pp. 36-42.

Douglas, Gillian 2007. The civil partnership Act 2004 - parallel marriage or a second-class status for same-sex partners? Niijima, K. and Obi, M., eds. Family and the Law in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan: Hogakushoin Publishing Company, pp. 900-920.

Douglas, Gillian 2007. The separate represention of children - in whose best interests? Wardle, Lynn D., ed. Family Law – Balancing Interests and Pursuing Priorities, Buffalo, USA: William S Hein, pp. 655-663.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Douglas, Gillian 2006. Bromley's family law. 10th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Douglas, Gillian 2006. Rights over the family home on cohabitation breakdown - the legal response in England and Wales. Tomljenovic, Vesna, Erauw, Johan A. and Volken, Paul, eds. Liber Memorialis Petar Sarcevic: Universalism, Tradition and the Individual, Munich: Sellier European Law Publishers, pp. 243-264.

Douglas, Gillian, Murch, Mervyn, Scanlan, Lesley and Miles, Claire 2006. Separate representation report. Family Law 36 , pp. 385-388.

Douglas, Gillian, Murch, Mervyn, Miles, Claire and Scanlan, Lesley Caroline 2006. Research into the operation of Rule 9.5 of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991. [Working Paper]. Department for Constitutional Affairs. Available at:

Douglas, Gillian 2006. The separate representation of children - in whose best interests? Thorpe, Rt Hon Lord Justice, ed. Durable Solutions: The Collected Papers of the 2005 Dartington Hall Conference, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 13-22.

Douglas, Gillian and Moorhead, Richard Lewis 2005. Providing advice for lone parents - from parent to citizen? Child and Family Law Quarterly 17 (1) , pp. 55-74.

Douglas, Gillian, Messinger Davies, Maire and Doughty, Julie ORCID: 2004. Research on divorce, separation and family change: messages for practitioners. Pastoral Care in Education 22 (4) , pp. 3-5. 10.1111/j.0264-3944.2004.00306.x

Douglas, Gillian 2004. An introduction to family law. 2nd ed. Clarendon Law Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Moorhead, Richard, Douglas, Gillian, Doughty, Julie ORCID: and Sefton, Mark 2004. The advice needs of lone parents. Family Law 34 (Sep) , pp. 667-673.

Ferguson, Neil, Douglas, Gillian, Lowe, Nigel Vaughn, Murch, Mervyn and Robinson, Margaret 2004. Grandparenting in divorced families. Bristol: Policy Press.

Douglas, Gillian and Ferguson, Neil 2003. The role of grandparents in divorced families. Generations Review: Journal of the British Society of Gerontology 13 (2) , pp. 4-9.

Douglas, Gillian and Ferguson, N 2003. 'The Role of Grandparents in Divorced Families'. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 17 (1) , pp. 41-67. 10.1093/lawfam/17.1.41

Douglas, Gillian, Butler, Ian, Murch, Mervyn, Robinson, Margaret and Scanlan, Lesley 2003. Private ordering and the interests of the child. The Wales Law Journal 2 (4) , pp. 374-385.

Douglas, Gillian and Ferguson, N. 2003. Grandparents after divorce. Family Law (Sep) , pp. 653-658.

Douglas, Gillian 2003. Re J (leave to issue application for residence order) - recognising grandparents' concern or controlling their interference. Child and Family Law Quarterly 15 (1) , pp. 103-112.

Butler, Ian, Scanlan, Lesley, Robinson, Margaret, Douglas, Gillian and Murch, Mervyn 2003. Divorcing children: children's experience of their parents' divorce. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2003. Annual review of international family law. Bainham, A., ed. The International Survey of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-24.

Robinson, Margaret, Butler, Ian, Scanlan, Lesley, Douglas, Gillian and Murch, Mervyn 2002. Children's experience of their parents' divorce. Jensen, An-Magritt and McKee, Lorna, eds. Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation, The Future of Childhood Series, London: Routledge, pp. 76-89.

Douglas, Gillian and Murch, Mervyn 2002. Taking account of children's needs in divorce – a study of family solicitors' responses to new policy and practice initiatives. Child and Family Law Quarterly 14 (1) , pp. 57-75.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2002. Annual review of international family law. Bainham, A., ed. The International Survey of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-20.

Douglas, Gillian, Murch, Mervyn, Robinson, Margaret, Scanlan, Lesley and Butler, Ian 2001. Children's perspectives and experience of the divorce process. Family Law (May) , pp. 373-377.

Douglas, Gillian 2001. An introduction to family law. 1st ed. Clarendon Law Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Douglas, Gillian and Perry, Alison 2001. How parents cope financially on separation and divorce - implications for the future of ancillary relief. Child and Family Law Quarterly 13 (1) , pp. 67-80.

Douglas, Gillian 2000. Marriage, cohabitation and parenthood: From contract to status? Katz, Sanford N., Eekelaar, John and MacLean, Mavis, eds. Cross Currents: Family Law and Policy in the US and England, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 211-233.

Perry, Alison, Douglas, Gillian, Murch, Mervyn, Bader, Kay and Borkowski, Margaret 2000. How parents cope financially on marriage breakdown. [Project Report]. London: Family Policy Studies Centre - Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at:

Douglas, Gillian 2000. The family, gender and social security. Harris, Neville, ed. Social Security Law in Context, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 259-289.

Douglas, Gillian, Murch, Mervyn, Scanlan, Lesley and Perry, Alison 2000. Safeguarding children's welfare in non-contentious divorce: towards a new conception of the legal process? Modern Law Review 63 (2) , pp. 177-196.

Douglas, Gillian 2000. England and Wales: Supporting families. Bainham, A., ed. The International Survey of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 131-142.

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