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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 7.

Woodward, Hilary Diana and Sefton, Mark 2014. Pensions on divorce: an empirical study. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University.

Woodward, Hilary Diana and Sefton, Mark 2014. Pensions on divorce: an empirical study. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Fox, Chris, Moorhead, Richard Lewis, Sefton, Mark and Wong, Kevin 2011. Community legal advice centres and networks: a process evaluation. Civil Justice Quarterly 30 (2) , pp. 204-222.

Fox, Chris, Moorhead, Richard Lewis, Sefton, Mark and Wong, Kevin 2010. Community legal advice centres and networks: a process evaluation. Legal Services Commission. Available at:

Moorhead, Richard Lewis, Sefton, Mark and Scanlan, Lesley 2008. Just satisfaction? What drives public and participant satisfaction with courts and tribunals: a review of recent evidence. [Technical Report]. Crown. Available at:

Moorhead, Richard Lewis and Sefton, Mark 2005. Litigants in person: unrepresented litigants in first instance proceedings. [Discussion Paper]. DCA Research Series 2/05, Department for Constitutional Affairs. Available at:

Moorhead, Richard, Douglas, Gillian, Doughty, Julie ORCID: and Sefton, Mark 2004. The advice needs of lone parents. Family Law 34 (Sep) , pp. 667-673.

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