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Number of items: 101.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2015. Bromley's family law [11th ed.]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Boele-Woelki, Katharina, Ferrand, Frederique, Gonzez Beilfuss, Cristina, JterJareborg, Marritt, Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Martiny, Dieter and Pintens, Walter 2013. Principles of European family law regarding property relations between spouses. European family law series, vol. 33. Cambridge: Intersentia.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2012. A supra-national approach to interpreting the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention – a tale of two European courts - Part 2: the substantive impact of the two European Courts' rulings upon the application of the 1980 Convention. International Family Law 2012 (June) , pp. 170-179.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2012. A supra-national approach to interpreting the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention – a tale of two European courts: Part 1: setting the scene. International Family Law 2012 (March) , pp. 48-52.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2012. Inherently disposed to protect children – the continuing role of wardship. Probert, Rebecca and Barton, Chris, eds. Fifty Years in Family Law: Essays for Stephen Cretney, Antwerpen: Intersentia, pp. 161-173.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Stephens, Victoria Helen 2012. Global trends in the operation of the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention. Family Law Quarterly 46 (1) , pp. 41-85.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2012. Prenuptial Agreements: the Developing English Position. Verberke, Alain-Laurent, Sherpe, Jens M., Declerk, Charlotte, Helms, Tobias and Senaere, Patrick, eds. Confronting the Frontiers of Family and Succession Law: Liber Amicorum Walter Pintens, Antwerpen: Intersentia, pp. 867-885.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Stephens, Victoria Helen 2012. Children's welfare and human rights under the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention - the ruling in Re E. Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law 34 (1) , pp. 125-135. 10.1080/09649069.2012.675469

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2011. Working towards a European concept of legal parenthood. Buchler, Andrea and Muller-Chen, Markus, eds. Private law : National, Global, Comparative : Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer zum 60. Geburtstag, Vol. 2. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag AG, pp. 1105-1124.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Stephens, Victoria Helen 2011. Operating the 1980 Hague Convention: The 2008 statistics. Family Law, Jordan Publishing Ltd, pp. 1216-1226.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2011. J v C [1970] AC 668. J v C: placing the child’s welfare centre stage. Gilmore, Stephen, Herring, Jonathan and Probert, Rebecca, eds. Landmark Cases in Family Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 27-45.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2011. La justice des mineurs: perspectives anglaises. Favier, Yann and Ferand, Frederique, eds. La Justice des mineurs en Europe – Une question de Specialite?, Collection Droit européen de la famille ; European Family Law, vol. 28. Intersentia, pp. 57-73.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Cobley, Catherine 2011. The statutory “threshold” under Section 31 of the Children Act 1989 – time to take stock. Law Quarterly Review 127 , pp. 396-422.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2011. The enforcement of custody and access decisions under the revised Brussels II Regulation. International Family Law , pp. 21-30.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Stephens, Victoria Helen 2011. A statistical analysis of spplications made in 2008 under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of International Child Adoption Preliminary Document No 8A - C (2011). [Documentation]. Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference. Available at:

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2010. The impact of the revised Brussels II Regulation on Cross-Border Relocation. The Judges Newsletter (Special Edition) (1) , pp. 69-72.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2010. A review of the developing law on residence, contact, prohibited steps and specific issue orders under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Journal of Children's Services 5 (2) , pp. 39-51. 10.5042/jcs.2010.0300

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2010. The jurisdictional rules under the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children’. Journal of Family Law and Practice 1 (1) , pp. 14-22.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2010. The applicable laws provisions of the 1996 Hague Convention on the protection of children and the impact of the Convention on International Child Abduction. International Family Law , pp. 51-58.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. La justice des mineurs: perspective anglais. Presented at: La Justice des Mineurs Perspectives Francaises et Europeennes, University of Jean Moulin, Lyon, France,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. Child law update. Presented at: HMCS Wales, Family Law Seminar and Family Proceedings Conference,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. A study into the rights and legal status of children brought up in various forms of marital and non-marital partnerships and cohabitation: A Report for the attention of the Committee of Experts on Family Law. [Project Report]. Strasbourg: Secretariat of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs. Available at:

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. Who is my parent? Presented at: Tel Aviv Colloquium: In Loco Parentis - who should raise our children?, Tel Aviv, Israel, 10-13 Sept 2009.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. Why we should come to grips with the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children 1996. Presented at: 5th World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 23-26 Aug 2009.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. The applicable law provisions of the 1996 Convention on the Protection of Children and the impact of the Convention on International Child Abduction. Presented at: International Family Justice Judicial Conference for Common Law and Commonwealth Jurisdictions, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 04-08 August 2009.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. EU family law and children's rights: a better alternative to the Hague Conference or the Council of Europe? Presented at: The Children and the European Union: Legal, Political and Research Prospectives Conference, University of Liverpool, UK, 20-22 April 2009.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, eds. 2009. The continuing evolution of family law. Bristol: Family Law.

Douglas, Gillian 2009. The continuing evolution of family law. Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, eds. The Continuing Evolution of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-37.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. Where in the world is international family law going next? Douglas, Gillian Felicity and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, eds. The Continuing Evolution of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 261-291.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. The continuing evolution of family law. Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Douglas, Gillian Felicity, eds. The Continuing Evolution of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-37.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2009. A review of the application of Article 11 of the revised Brussels II regulation. International Family Law , pp. 27-34.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. The status of pre-nuptial agreements in English law - should we move to a continental European approach? Presented at: 13th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 Sep 2008.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. Child law updates. Presented at: Temple Chambers Event, Cardiff, UK, 16 July 2008.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. The Council of Europe's family law programme: where does it go from here? Helms, T. and Zeppernick, J. M., eds. Lebendiges Familienrecht - Festschrift fur Rainer Frank, Germany: Verlag für Standesamtswesen, pp. 513-533.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. Child law updates. Presented at: Cornwall Street Chambers Event, Birmingham, UK,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. Does the Council of Europe's family law programme matter? Presented at: Annual Family Law Conference, University of Staffordshire, UK, 2008.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. Where in the world will international family law go next? Presented at: Cardiff Law School, Family Law Conference, Cardiff, UK,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. A review of the application of Article 11 of the revised Brussels II regulation. Presented at: Anglo-Germanophone Judicial Family Law Conference, Schwechat, Vienna, Austria,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. Child law updates. Presented at: Annual Welsh Circuit Conference,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. Does the Council of Europe's family law programme matter? International Family Law , pp. 75-85.

White, Richard, Carr, A. P. and Lowe, Nigel Vaughn 2008. The Children Act in practice. 4th ed. London: Butterworths Law.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. A statistical analysis of applications made in 2003 under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international child adoption (2007 Update). HHCH: Hague Conference on Private International Law.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. National country reports: enforcement under the 1980 Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction (edited).

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2008. A study into the rights and legal status of children being brought up in various forms of marital and non-marital partnerships and cohabitation. [Documentation]. CJ-FA.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2007. The current experiences and difficulties of applying Brussels II revised. Presented at: 3rd Anglophone/Francophone Family Law Conference, Edinburgh, UK, June 2007.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Horosova, K 2007. The Operation of the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention - A Global View. Family Law Quarterly 41 (1) , pp. 59-103.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2007. England. Spickhoff, Andreas, Schwab, Dieter, Henrich, Dieter and Gottwald, Peter, eds. Streit um die Abstammung: Ein Europäischer Vergleich [The Dispute Over the Parentage - A European Comparison], Beiträge zum europäischen Familienrecht, vol. 11. Bielefeld: Gieseking, pp. 319-341.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2007. The legal position of grandparents under the Children Act 1989. The Children Act - What's in it for Grandparents? (4th ed.), Harlow: The Grandparents' Association, pp. 9-20.

Boele-Woelki, Katharina, Ferrand, Frédérique, González-Beilfuss, Cristina, Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit, Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Martiny, Dieter and Pintens, Walter 2007. Principles of European family law regarding parental responsibilities. European Family Law, vol. 16. Oxford: Intersentia.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Patterson, Samantha and Horosova, Katarina 2007. Good practice report on enforcement under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction. [Project Report]. Alexandria, VA: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Available at:

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Report for the attention of the Committee of Experts on Family Law (CJ-FA) containing an evaluation of the Council of Europe legal instruments in the field of family law. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Available at:

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Douglas, Gillian 2006. Bromley's family law. 10th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Atkinson, Emily, Horosova, Katarina and Patterson, Samantha 2006. A statistical analysis of applications made in 2003 under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction - national reports. HCCH: Hague Conference on Private International Law. Available at:

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Patterson, Samantha and Horosova, Katarina 2006. Enforcement of orders made under the 1980 convention - an empirical study. [Discussion Paper]. The Hague: HCCH: Hague Conference on Private International Law. Available at:

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Horosova, K. 2006. Good practice report on access. Alexandria, VA: International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Updates to part 1. Clarke Hall and Morrison on Children, Butterworths,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Updates to parts of part 2, division 1, on private law. Clarke Hall and Morrison on Children, Butterworths,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Updates to parts of part 2, division 2, on child abduction. Clarke Hall and Morrison on Children, Butterworths,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Updates to parts of part 2, division 4, on financial provision. Clarke Hall and Morrison on Children, Butterworths,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Updates to parts of part 2, division 5, on family protection. Clarke Hall and Morrison on Children, Butterworths,

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. The 2003 statistical study. The Judges' Newsletter 11 , pp. 77-79.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2006. Gewöhnlicher aufenthalt, internationale kindesentführung and Brüssel II – verordnung. iFamZ 9 , pp. 181-185.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2005. To the best of the child? Handling the problem of international parental child abduction. Marauhn, Thilo, ed. Internationaler Kinderschutz: Politische Rhetorik oder effektives Recht? [International Protection of Children: Political Rhetoric or Effective Right?], Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 73-95.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Beilfuss, Cristina Gonzalez 2005. Country report: Spain. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Hollingsworth, Kathryn 2005. Country report: New Zealand. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Ruitenberg, Geeske 2005. Country report: Netherlands. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Vassalli di Dachenhausen, Talitha 2005. Country report: Italy. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Schuz, Rhona 2005. Country report: Israel. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Boele-Woelki, Katharina, Pintens, Walter, Ferrand, Frédérique, González-Beilfuss, Cristina, Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit, Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Martiny, Dieter 2004. Principles of European family law regarding divorce and maintenance between former spouses. European Family Law, vol. 7. Oxford: Intersentia.

Ferguson, Neil, Douglas, Gillian, Lowe, Nigel Vaughn, Murch, Mervyn and Robinson, Margaret 2004. Grandparenting in divorced families. Bristol: Policy Press.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2004. In the best interests of abducted children? securing their immediate return under the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention. Fulcheiron, Hughes, ed. Les Enlévements D'Enfants Á Travers Les Frontiéres [Child Abduction Across Borders], Brussels: Bruylant, pp. 245-264.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2004. Negotiating the revised Brussels II regulation. International Family Law (Nov) , pp. 205-217.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Everall, Mark and Nicholls, Michael 2003. International movement of children: law, practice and procedure. Bristol: Jordans.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2003. The growing influence of the European Union on international family law - a view from the boundary. Current Legal Problems 56 (1) , pp. 439-480. 10.1093/clp/56.1.439

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2003. Annual review of international family law. Bainham, A., ed. The International Survey of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-24.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2003. Regulating international parental child abduction - Brussels style. Contemporary Issues in Law 6 (4) , pp. 315-339.

Carr, A. P., Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and White, Richard 2002. The Children Act in practice. London: Butterworths Law.

Douglas, Gillian and Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2002. Annual review of international family law. Bainham, A., ed. The International Survey of Family Law, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 1-20.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Murch, Mervyn, Bader, Kay, Borkowski, Margaret, Copner, R., Lisles, C. and Shearman, J. 2002. The plan for the child: adoption or long-term fostering? London: British Association for Adoption and Fostering.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Armstrong, Sarah 2002. Good practice in handling Hague Abduction Convention return applications. [Project Report]. Good Practice Report, Alexandria, VA: National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2002. Article 5 (3) of the draft EU regulation on parental responsibility - dealing with child abduction. International Family Law , pp. 36-41.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2002. The Family Law Act 1986 - a critique. Family Law (Jan) , pp. 39-60.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2002. The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children - a fresh appraisal. Child and Family Law Quarterly 14 (2) , pp. 191-206.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah, Mathias, Anest and Navarro, Marie 2002. Country report: France. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2002. Country report: United States. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2002. Country report: United Kingdom. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2002. Country report: Mexico. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2002. Country report: Germany. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2002. Country report: Canada. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2002. Country report: Australia. [Working Paper]. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Armstrong, Sarah and Mathias, Anest 2001. A statistical analysis of applications made in 1999 under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction. [Project Report]. The Hague, Netherlands: Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Murch, MA 2001. Children's Participation in the family justice system - translating principles into practice. Child and Family Law Quarterly 13 (2) , pp. 137-158.

make_name_string expected hash reference 2001. New international conventions affecting the law relating to children - a cause for concern? International Family Law , pp. 171-181.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2000. The work of the Hague Convention on private international law relating to children. Presented at: Fifth International Interdisciplinary Course on Children's Rights, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium, December 2000. Published in: Verhellen, Eugeen ed. Understanding Children's Rights. Ghent Papers on Children's Rights (6) Gent: Ghent Children's Rights Centre, University of Gent, pp. 491-502.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan 2000. The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: an English viewpoint. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 33 (1) , pp. 179-206.

Churchill, Robin R. and Lowe, Nigel Vaughn 1999. The law of the sea. Melland Schill Studies in International Law, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Perry, Alison 1999. International child abduction — the English experience. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 48 (1) , pp. 127-155. 10.1017/S0020589300062904

Carr, Paul, Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Pearl, David, Travers, Hugh and Montgomery, Jonathan, eds. 1999. Clarke Hall and Morrison on children. London: Butterworths.

Thomas, Caroline, Beckford, Verna, Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Murch, Mervyn 1999. Adopted children speaking. London: British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan, Murch, Mervyn, Borkowski, Margaret, Weaver, Anna, Beckford, Verna and Thomas, Caroline 1999. Supporting adoption: reframing the approach. London: British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering.

Lowe, Nigel Vaughan and Sufrin, Brenda 1996. Borrie and Lowe: the law of contempt. 3rd ed. London: Butterworths.

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