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Number of items: 10.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2004. Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit. Tax Digest, vol. 251. London: Wolters Kluwer.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2004. Updates to taxation [2004]. Montgomery, J. and Sax, R., eds. Butterworths Family Law Service, London: Butterworths, 4/2967-4/3190.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2004. P v P (ancillary relief: proceeds of crime) - disclosure under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 of suspicions of tax evasion gained during ancillary relief negotiations. Child and Family Law Quarterly 16 (2) , pp. 203-212.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2003. Divorce ancillary relief proceedings and tax evasion. Private Client Business (3) , pp. 200-208.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2002. Taxation on divorce and separation. Tax Digest, vol. 200. London: Accountancy Books.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2002. Updates to taxation [2002]. Montgomery, J. and Sax, R., eds. Butterworths Family Law Service, London: Butterworths, 4/2967-4/3173.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2001. Updates to tax planning on divorce and separation. Squires, M. and Noble, N., eds. Simon's Tax Planning Service, London: Butterworths, 14/1-14/64.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2001. Updates to taxation [2001]. MontgomerY, J. and Sax, R., eds. Butterworths Family Law Service, London: Butterworths, 4/2967-4/3173.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2001. Disclosure. British Tax Review (1) , pp. 23-26.

Wylie, Owen Philip 2000. Updates to taxation [2000]. Montgomery, J. and Sax, R., eds. Butterworths Family Law Service, London, UK: Butterworths, 4/2967-4/3170.

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