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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 29.

Richards, Katie ORCID: and Davey, James 2015. Deterrence, human rights and illegality: the forfeiture rule in insurance contract law. Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2015 , pp. 315-345.

Davey, James 2014. Genetic discrimination in insurance: lessons from test achats. Quinn, Gerard, De Paor, Aisling and Blanck, Peter, eds. Genetic Discrimination - Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response, London: Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp. 143-160.

Davey, James 2014. Dial M for moral hazard? Incentives to murder and the Life Assurance Act 1774. Insurance Law Journal 25 (2)

Davey, James 2014. D. Schwarcz (ed), Law and Economics of Insurance (Edward Elgar, 2012) [Book Review]. Insurance Law Journal

Davey, James 2014. Marine insurance and general average. International Commercial & Maritime Law Yearbook 2014, Informa,

Davey, James and Kelly, Cliona 2013. The Starbucks of Commercial Law: Romalpa and Contractual Innovation. Presented at: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 3 - 6 September 2013.

Davey, James 2013. Gambling contract law: a difficult rebirth? Journal of Business Law 614 (Jul/Au) , pp. 1-22.

Davey, James 2013. Liability (re)insurance in context. Shipping & Transport International 9 (3) , pp. 28-32.

Davey, James 2013. The reform of insurance warranties: a behavioural economics perspective. Journal of Business Law 2013 (1) , pp. 118-137.

Davey, James 2013. Remedying the remedies: The shifting shape of insurance contract law. Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2013 (4) , pp. 476-495.

Davey, James 2013. Fracturing and bundling risks: the coverage expectations of the 'real' reasonable policyholder. Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 11 , pp. 118-169.

Davey, James and Richards, Katie ORCID: 2013. Marine insurance for the 21st Century: a quality obligation for insurers. Cambrian Law Review 44 , pp. 33-49.

Davey, James 2012. Claims notification clauses and the design of default rules in insurance contract law. Insurance Law Journal 23 , pp. 245-269.

Davey, James 2008. From 'Jim Crow' to 'John Doe': reparations, corporate liability and the limits of private law. Gunning, Jennifer and Holm, Soren, eds. Ethics, Law and Society, Vol. 3. Ethics, Law and Society, Ashgate, pp. 195-202.

Davey, James 2007. Once more unto the breach: remedies for the non-payment of insurance claims after Blake. Giliker, P., ed. Re-Examining Contract and Unjust Enrichment, Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 133-153.

Davey, James and Coggon, J. 2006. Life assurance and consensual death: Law making for the rationally suicidal. The Cambridge Law Journal 65 (3) , pp. 521-548. 10.1017/S0008197306007215

Davey, James 2006. Materiality, non-disclosure and unproven allegations: following the North Star? Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 4 , pp. 517-538.

Davey, James 2006. Unpicking the Fraudulent Claims Jurisdiction in Insurance Contract Law: Sympathy for the Devil? Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2 , pp. 223-241.

Davey, James and Coggon, John 2006. Insurance risk? New Law Journal 156 (7218) , pp. 544-545.

Davey, James and Coggon, John 2006. Insurance risk. New Law Journal 156 (7218) , pp. 544-545.

Davey, James 2005. All risks insurance and computer data - 'policy' considerations in the Court of Appeal: Tektrol v International Insurance [2005] EWCA 845 (case comment). Communications Law 10 (5) , pp. 175-177.

Davey, James 2004. The reform of gambling and the future of insurance law. Legal Studies 24 (4) , pp. 507-515. 10.1111/j.1748-121X.2004.tb00260.x

Davey, James 2001. Insurance claims notification clauses: innominate terms and utmost good faith [Case comment]. Journal of Business Law (March) , pp. 170-190.

Davey, James 2001. Insurance claims notification clauses: innominate terms & utmost good faith. Journal of Business Law (Mar) , pp. 179-190.

Davey, James 2000. Future imperfect: human genetics and insurance. Journal of Business Law (Nov) , pp. 587-617.

Davey, James and Richards, Claudina 2000. The European single market in insurance: recent developments. International Company and Commercial Law Review 11 (11) , pp. 377-389.

Davey, James 1999. Printpak v. AGF Insurance: no need to be alarmed? Journal of Business Law (Nov) , pp. 580-589.

Richards, Claudina and Davey, James 1999. Direct but ineffective? The second Motor Insurance Directive. Journal of Business Law (March) , pp. 157-167.

Davey, James 1998. A single market in insurance: benefits for all. International Company and Commercial Law Review 9 (4) , pp. 99-102.

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