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Number of items: 13.

Cherns, Lesley ORCID:, Wheeley, James Robinson and Wright, Victor Paul 2011. Taphonomic bias in shelly faunas through time: early aragonitic dissolution and its implications for the fossil record. Allison, Peter A. and Bottjer, David J., eds. Taphonomy: Process and Bias Through Time, Topics in geobiology book series, vol. 32. Taphonomy: Springer, pp. 79-105. (10.1007/978-90-481-8643-3_3)

Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Wright, Victor Paul 2011. Skeletal mineralogy and biodiversity of marine invertebrates: size matters more than seawater chemistry. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 358 (1) , pp. 9-17. 10.1144/SP358.2

Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Wright, Victor Paul 2009. Quantifying the impacts of early diagenetic aragonite dissolution on the fossil record. Palaios 24 (11) , pp. 756-771. 10.2110/palo.2008.p08-134r

Cherns, Lesley ORCID:, Wheeley, James Robinson and Wright, Victor Paul 2008. Taphonomic windows and molluscan preservation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 270 (3-4) , pp. 220-229. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.07.012

Wheeley, James Robinson, Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Wright, Victor Paul 2008. Provenance of microcrystalline carbonate cement in limestone-marl alternations (LMA): aragonite mud or molluscs? Journal of the Geological Society 165 (1) , pp. 395-403. 10.1144/0016-76492006-160

Wright, Victor and Cherns, Lesley ORCID: 2008. The subtle thief: selective dissolution of aragonite during shallow burial and the implications for carbonate sedimentology. Lukasik, J. and Simo, J. A., eds. Controls on Carbonate Platform and Reef Development, SEPM Special Publication Series, vol. 89. Tulsa, OK: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, pp. 47-54.

Beavington-Penney, Simon James, Wright, Victor Paul and Racey, Andrew 2006. The Middle Eocene Seeb Formation of Oman: An Investigation of Acyclicity, Stratigraphic Completeness, and Accumulation Rates in Shallow Marine Carbonate Settings. Journal of Sedimentary Research 76 (10) , pp. 1137-1161. 10.2110/jsr.2006.109

Allison, Peter A and Wright, Victor Paul 2005. Switching off the carbonate factory: A-tidality, stratification and brackish wedges in epeiric seas. Sedimentary Geology 179 (3-4) , pp. 175-184. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.05.004

Wright, Victor Paul and Cherns, Lesley ORCID: 2004. Are there “black holes” in carbonate deposystems? Geologica Acta 4 (2) , pp. 285-290. 10.1344/105.000001420

Burgess, Peter Mark and Wright, Victor Paul 2003. Numerical forward modelling of carbonate platform dynamics: an evaluation of complexity and completeness in carbonate strata. Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (5) , pp. 637-652.

Wright, Victor Paul, Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Hodges, Peter 2003. Missing molluscs: Field testing taphonomic loss in the Mesozoic through early large-scale aragonite dissolution. Geology 31 (3) , pp. 211-214. 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0211:MMFTTL>2.0.CO;2

Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Wright, Victor Paul 2000. Missing molluscs as evidence of large scale, early skeletal aragonite dissolution in a Silurian sea. Geology 28 (9) , pp. 791-794. 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<791:MMAEOL>2.0.CO;2

Allen, P., Alvin, K., Andrews, J., Batten, D., Chalton, C., Cleevely, R., Ensom, P., Evans, S., Francis, J., Hailwood, E., Harding, I., Horne, D., Hughes, N., Hunt, C., Jarzembowski, E., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Knox, R., Milner, A., Norman, D., Palmer, C., Parker, A., Patterson, G., Price, G. D., Radley, J., Rawson, P., Ross, A., Rolfe, S., Ruffell, A., Sellwood, B., Sladen, C., Taylor, K., Watson, J., Wright, Victor Paul and Wimbledon, W. 1998. Purbeck-Wealden (early Cretaceous) climates. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 109 (3) , pp. 197-236. 10.1016/S0016-7878(98)80066-7

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