Guy, Clifford Malcolm 2010. The credit crunch and power relations in UK retail property. Environment and Planning A 42 (5) , pp. 1017-1022. 10.1068/a42474 |
Guy, Clifford Malcolm 2009. 'Sustainable transport choices' in consumer shopping: a review of the UK evidence. International Journal of Consumer Studies 33 (6) , pp. 652-658. 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2009.00818.x |
Guy, Clifford Malcolm 2008. Retail-Led Regeneration: Assessing the Property Outcomes. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal 1 (4) , pp. 378-388. |
Guy, Clifford Malcolm and Bennison, David 2007. Planning guidance and large store development in the UK: the search for "flexibility". Environment and Planning A 39 (4) , pp. 945-964. 10.1068/a38124 |
Guy, Clifford Malcolm 2006. Planning for retail development: a critical view of the British experience. Abingdon: Routledge. |
Guy, Clifford Malcolm 2002. Is Retail Planning Policy Effective? The case of very large store development in the UK. Planning Theory & Practice 3 (3) , pp. 319-330. 10.1080/1464935022000019554 |
Clarke, Graham, Eyre, Heather and Guy, Clifford Malcolm 2002. Deriving indicators of access to food retail provision in British cities: studies of Cardiff, Leeds and Bradford. Urban Studies 39 (11) , pp. 2041-2060. 10.1080/0042098022000011353 |