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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 60.

Series, Lucy ORCID:, Mercer, Adam, Mobbs, Katie, Walbridge, Abigail, Fennell, Philip, Clements, Luke and Doughty, Julie ORCID: 2015. Use of the Court of Protection's welfare jurisdiction by supervisory bodies in England and Wales. Cardiff: Cardiff Law School. Available at:

Clements, Luke, Series, Lucy ORCID:, Fennell, Philip and Doughty, Julie ORCID: 2015. Transparency in the Court of Protection: report on a Roundtable. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Clements, Luke 2014. Caring as a human right. Legal Action 2014 (Oct) , pp. 8-10.

Clements, Luke 2014. Caring as a human right? the Pauline Thompson memorial lecture 2014. Elder Law Journal 4 (4) , pp. 375-381.

Aspinwall, Trudy and Clements, Luke 2013. The rights of Gypsy and Traveller children and young people in Wales. Williams, Jane, ed. The Rights of the Child in Wales, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 149-164.

Series, Lucy ORCID: and Clements, Luke 2013. Putting the cart before the horse: resource allocation systems and community care. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 35 (2) , pp. 207-226. 10.1080/09649069.2013.800288

Clements, Luke 2013. Does your carer take sugar? Carers and human rights: the parallel struggles of disabled people and carers for equal treatment. Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice (JCRSJ) 19 (2) , pp. 397-434.

Clements, Luke 2013. Adult social care law reform. Elder Law , pp. 219-324.

Parker, Camilla Harriet and Clements, Luke 2012. The European Union and the right to community living: Structural Funds and the European Union's obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. New York: Open Society Foundations.

Parker, Camilla Harriet and Clements, Luke 2012. The European Union Structural Funds and the Right to Community Living. The Equal Rights Review 9 , pp. 95-116.

Clements, Luke 2011. Disability, dignity and the Cri de Coeur. European Human Rights Law Review 6 , pp. 675-685.

Parker, Camilla, Clements, Luke, Harbour, Anthony and Honigmann, Jo 2011. Transitions in mental health care. London: National Mental Health Development Unit.

Clements, Luke, Thompson, Pauline, Goodall, Carolyn, Gould, Jean, Mitchell, Edward, Parker, Camilla and Pickup, Alison 2011. Community care and the law (5th ed.). London: Legal Action Group.

Clements, Luke 2011. Carers and their rights: the law relating to carers. 4th ed. London: Carers UK.

Clements, Luke 2011. Editorial. European Human Rights Law Review 6 , pp. 633-637.

Clements, Luke 2011. Social Care Law Developments: a Sideways look at Personalisation and Tightening Eligiblity Criteria. Elder Law Journal 1 , pp. 47-52.

Broach, S., Clements, Luke and Read, J. 2010. Disabled children: a legal handbook. Legal Action Group.

Clements, Luke 2010. Carers and the Equality Bill. Discrimination Law Association Briefings 39 (1) , pp. 3-8.

Clements, Luke 2009. Section III – articles most frequently involved in Roma cases and the relevant jurisprudence. Willers, Marc, ed. Ensuring access to rights for Roma and Travellers: The Role of the European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, pp. 67-87.

Clements, Luke 2009. Section IV - practical exercises. Willers, Marc, ed. Ensuring access to rights for Roma and Travellers: the role of the European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, pp. 89-111.

Simmons, Alan and Clements, Luke 2009. European Court of Human Rights. Langford, Malcolm, ed. Social Rights Jurisprudence: Emerging Trends in International and Comparative Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 409-427.

Clements, Luke 2008. Respite or short breaks care and disabled children. Seen and Heard 18 (4) , pp. 23-27.

Clements, Luke 2008. The disability rights convention and the right to independent living. Legal Action , pp. 27-29.

Clements, Luke 2008. Adult social care law reform. Journal of Legal Action July , p. 7.

Read, Janet and Clements, Luke 2008. Demonstrably awful: the right to life and the selective non-treatment of disabled babies and young children. Clements, Luke and Read, Janet, eds. Disabled people and the right to life: the protection and violation of disabled people’s most basic human rights, London: Routledge, pp. 245-291.

Clements, Luke and Read, Janet 2008. Life, disability and the pursuit of human rights [Introduction]. Clements, Luke and Read, Janet, eds. Disabled People and the Right to Life: the Protection and Violation of Disabled People’s Most Basic Human Rights, London: Routledge, pp. 1-29.

Clements, Luke and Read, Janet 2008. Introduction. Clements, Luke and Read, Janet, eds. Disabled people and the right to life: the protection and violation of disabled people’s most basic human rights, London: Routledge, pp. 1-3.

Clements, Luke and Read, Janet, eds. 2008. Disabled people and the right to life: the protection and violation of disabled people’s most basic human rights. London: Routledge.

Clements, Luke 2008. Individual budgets and irrational exuberance. Community Care Law Reports 11 , pp. 413-430.

Clements, Luke 2008. Conventional wisdom. Community Care (1725) , pp. 30-31.

Parker, Camilla Harriet and Clements, Luke 2008. The UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: a new right to independent living? European Human Rights Law Review 13 (4) , pp. 508-523.

Clements, Luke and Bowen, P 2007. NHS continuing care and independent living: the law reviewed. Legal Action 2007 (6) , pp. 39-42.

Clements, Luke 2007. The need for law reform. [Discussion Paper]. London: Office for Disability. Available at:

Clements, Luke and Bowen, P 2007. NHS continuing care and independent living. Community Care Law Reports 10 , pp. 343-351.

Clements, Luke 2007. The need for new legislation. [Discussion Paper]. HM Government, Office for Disability Issues.

Clements, Luke and Thompson, Pauline 2007. Community care and the law. 4th ed. London: Legal Action Group.

Read, Janet, Clements, Luke and Ruebain, David 2006. Disabled children and the law: research and good practice. 2nd ed. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Clements, Luke 2005. Ugly, deformed and grubby: the common law and human rights. Gunning, Jennifer and Holm, Søren, eds. Ethics, Law and Society, Vol. 1. Ethics, Law and Society, vol. 1. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 223-226.

Clements, Luke and Read, Janet 2005. The dog that didn't bark: the issue of access to rights under the European Convention on Human Rights by disabled people. Lawson, Anna and Gooding, Caroline, eds. Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice, Essays in European Law, vol. 7. Oxford: Hart, pp. 21-34.

Clements, Luke and Thomas, Philip Aneurin, eds. 2005. Human Rights Act: a success story? Journal of Law and Society Special Issue Book Series, Oxford: Blackwell.

Clements, Luke 2005. The Human Rights Act: a success story? Introduction. Clements, Luke and Thomas, Philip Aneurin, eds. Human Rights Act: A Success Story?, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,

Clements, Luke 2005. Winners and losers. Clements, Luke and Thomas, Philip Aneurin, eds. Human Rights Act: A Success Story?, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,

Clements, Luke 2005. Human rights and gypsy identity in British law. Simoni, Alessandro, ed. Stato Di Diritto e Identita Rom, Florence: L'Harmattan Italia,

Clements, Luke 2005. Carers and their rights: the law relating to carers. 1st ed. London: Carers UK.

Read, Janet and Clements, Luke 2004. Demonstrably awful: the right to life and the selective non-treatment of disabled babies and young children. Journal of Law and Society 31 (4) , pp. 482-509. 10.1111/j.1467-6478.2004.00300.x

Clements, Luke and Morris, Rachel 2004. The Millennium blip: the Human Rights Act 1998 and local government. Halliday, Simon and Schmidt, Patrick, eds. Human Rights Brought Home: Socio-Legal Perspectives of Human Rights in the National Context, Human Rights Law in Perspective, vol. 3. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 209-229.

Clements, Luke 2004. Carers – the sympathy and services stereotype. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 32 (1) , pp. 6-8. 10.1111/j.1354-4187.2003.00268.x

Clements, Luke 2004. Carers - the sympathy and services stereotype. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 32 (1) , pp. 6-8. 10.1111/j.1354-4187.2003.00268.x

Clements, Luke 2004. Community care and the law. London: Legal Action Group.

Clements, Luke and Read, Janet 2003. Disabled people and European human rights: a review of the implications of the 1998 Human Rights Act for disabled children and adults in the UK. Bristol: Policy Press.

Morris, Rachel and Clements, Luke 2002. At what cost? The economics of Gypsy and Traveller encampments. Bristol: Policy Press.

Clements, Luke 2002. A fair deal for the 'untouchables'? The Times , pp. 6-7.

Clements, Luke 2001. Community care law and the human rights act 1998. Bytheway, Bill, Bacigalupo, Vivien, Bornat, Joanna, Johnson, Julia and Spurr, Susan, eds. Understanding Care, Welfare and Community: A Reader, London: Routledge, pp. 247-254.

Clements, Luke and Spencer, Sarah 2001. A Human Rights Commission in Wales? The Wales Law Journal 1 (2) , pp. 131-143.

Clements, Luke and Spencer, Sarah 2001. A Human Rights Commission for Wales? The Wales Law Journal 1 (2) , pp. 131-143.

Read, Janet and Clements, Luke 2001. Disabled children and the law: research and good practice. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Clements, Luke and Morris, Rachel 2000. The rights of travellers. Wadham, John and Crossman, Gareth, eds. Your Rights: The Liberty Guide To Human Rights, London: Liberty with Pluto Press, pp. 358-373.

Clements, Luke and Young, James Robert, eds. 1999. Human rights: Changing the culture. Journal of Law and Society Special Issue Book Series, Oxford: Blackwell.

Morris, Rachel and Clements, Luke, eds. 1999. Gaining ground: Law reform for Gypsies and Travellers. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press.

Clements, Luke 1997. Community care - Towards a workable statute. Liverpool Law Review 19 (2) , pp. 181-191. 10.1007/BF02810549

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