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Number of items: 12.

Krausmüller, Dirk 2020. The Encomium of the Constantinopolitan Monk Dios (BHG 2105): Text and Translation. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 14 , pp. 1-49. 10.18573/jlarc.116

Krausmuller, Dirk 2014. Origenism in the sixth Century: Leontius of Byzantium on the pre-existence of the soul. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 8 , pp. 46-67. 10.18573/j.2014.10325

Krausmuller, Dirk 2013. Chastity or procreation? Models of sanctity for Byzantine laymen during the Iconoclastic and Post-Iconoclastic period. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 7 , pp. 51-71. 10.18573/j.2013.10317

Krausmuller, Dirk 2010. Do we need to be stupid in order to be saved? Barlaam of Calabria and Gregory Palamas on knowledge and ignorance. Presented at: Sixth International Patristic Conference, Belfast, UK, July 2005. Published in: Twomey, Vincent and Krausmuller, Dirk eds. Salvation According to the Fathers of the Church : the Proceedings of the Sixth International Patristic Conference, Maynooth/Belfast, 2005. Dublin: Four Courts Press,

Krausmuller, Dirk 2010. Human souls as consubstantial sons of God: the Heterodox anthropology of Leontius of Jerusalem. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 4 , pp. 43-67. 10.18573/j.2010.10303

Krausmuller, Dirk 2009. Being, Seeming and Becoming: Patriarch Methodius on Divine Impersonation of Angels and Souls and the Origenist Alternative. Byzantion 79 , pp. 168-207.

Krausmuller, Dirk 2009. Exegeting the Passio of St Agatha: Patriarch Methodius († 847) on sexual differentiation and the perfect 'man'. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 33 (1) , pp. 1-16. 10.1179/174962509X384589

Krausmuller, Dirk 2009. From Homoousion to Homohypostaton: patriarch Methodius of Constantinople and post-patristic Trinitarian theology. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 3 , pp. 1-20. 10.18573/j.2009.10298

Krausmüller, Dirk 2007. Abbots and Monks in Eleventh-Century Stoudios. An Analysis of Rituals of Installation and their Depictions in Illuminated Manuscripts. Revue des Etudes Byzantines 64-65 , pp. 255-282.

Krausmüller, Dirk 2006. The rise of Hesychasm. Michael, Angold, ed. The Cambridge History of Christianity Volume 5: Eastern Christianity, Vol. 5. Cambridge History of Christianity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 101-126.

Krausmüller, Dirk 2004. Killing at God's command: Niketas Byzantios' polemic against Islam and the Christian tradition of divinely sanctioned murder. Al-Masaq Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 16 (1) , pp. 163-176. 10.1080/0950311042000202579

Krausmüller, Dirk 2001. Leontius of Jerusalem, a theologian of the seventh century. The Journal of Theological Studies 52 (2) 10.1093/jts/52.2.637

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