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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 15.

Dewhurst, Russell 2024. The 'new world' of ecclesiastical law: 1901 - 47. Doe, Norman and Coleman, Stephen, eds. The Legal History of the Church of England: From the Reformation to the Present, Hart Publishing, pp. 175-191.

Dewhurst, Russell 2023. The King and the Law of the Church of England. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 25 (2) , pp. 139-155. 10.1017/S0956618X23000029

Dewhurst, Russell 2023. Canon B5 and the Prayers of Love and Faith. [Online]. Law & Religion UK. Available at:

Dewhurst, Russell 2023. The 2022 Revision of The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 25 (1) , pp. 60-65. 10.1017/S0956618X22000643

Dewhurst, Russell and Hill, Mark 2022. Droit canonique anglican. Messner, Francis, ed. Dictionnaire du droit des religions, Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, [n/a].

Dewhurst, Russell 2022. The Development of the Canons: A Historical Study and Summary of the Church of England's Canons 1969 to 2020 [Book review]. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24 , pp. 398-399. 10.1017/S0956618X2200045X

Adam, Will, Dewhurst, Russell and Oliver, Darren 2022. Preface. Anglican Consultative Council, ed. The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion - Second Edition 2022, London, UK: Anglican Consultative Council, pp. 5-14.

Dewhurst, Russell 2022. A Still More Excellent Way: Authority and Polity in the Anglican Communion Alexander Ross SCM Press, London, 2020, 256 pp (hardback £65), ISBN: 978-0-334-05932-5. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24 (2) , pp. 252-254. 10.1017/S0956618X22000151

Dewhurst, Russell 2022. ‘Seven whole days’: The obligation of the clergy of the Church of England to ‘say daily the Morning and Evening Prayer’. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24 (1) , pp. 14-24. 10.1017/S0956618X21000673

Dewhurst, Russell 2022. Priest of the Church or Priest of a Church? The ecclesiology of ordained local Ministry, Noel Cox [Book Review]. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24 (1) , pp. 103-105. 10.1017/S0956618X21000715

Dewhurst, Russell 2021. Law without coercion: exhortation and doctrine in the canon law of the Church of England. Crucible: The Journal of Christian Social Ethics Octobe , pp. 51-54.

Dewhurst, Russell 2021. Canons of the Church of England reading groups. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 23 (1) , pp. 105-106. 10.1017/S0956618X20000617

Dewhurst, Russell 2018. Ecclesiastical Law Society day conference: gospel and law in theological education. Presented at: Ecclesiastical Law Society Day Conference 2018, London, England, 17 March 2018. Ecclesiastical Law Journal. , vol.20 (3) Cambridge University Press, pp. 336-346. 10.1017/S0956618X18000509

Dewhurst, Russell 2018. Episcopal functions in Anglican canon law. Presented at: 18th Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers 2018, Oxford, England, 27-28 May 2018. Acts of the Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers. , vol.17 pp. 19-27.

Carr, Lydia, Dewhurst, Russell and Henig, Martin, eds. 2014. Binsey: Oxford's Holy Place - Its saint, village, and people. Oxford: Archaeopress.

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