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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 4.

Altowaijri, Abdulrahman 2014. A comprehensive study to develop and evaluate the acquired brain injury physiotherapy documentation in an inpatient setting. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Richardson, Sue, Cooper, A., Alghamdi, G. A., Alghamdi, M. A. and Altowaijri, Abdulrahman 2012. Assessing knee hyperextension in patients following stroke: A comparison of Siliconcoach movement analysis software and experienced clinical observation. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 19 (3) , pp. 163-168.

Cooper, Allison, Alghamdi, Ghalib Abdulllah, Alghamdi, Mohammed Abdulrahman, Altowaijri, Abdulrahman and Richardson, Sue 2011. The relationship of lower limb muscle strength and knee joint hyperextension during the stance phase of gait in hemiparetic stroke patients. Physiotherapy Research International 16 (4) 10.1002/pri.528

Richardson, Sue, Alghamdi, G. A., Alghamdi, M. A., Altowaijri, Abdulrahman, Busse, Monica and Van Deursen, Robert William Martin ORCID: 2009. Inter-rater reliability of dynamic knee joint range of motion in stroke patients using silconCOACH [Abstract]. International Journal of Stroke 4 (S2) , p. 19. 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2009.00354.x

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