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Number of items: 20.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Blokland, Arjan, Robinson, Amanda L. ORCID: and Maxwell, Christopher D. 2020. The relationship between criminal behaviour over the life-course and intimate partner violence perpetration in later life. European Journal of Criminology 17 (6) , pp. 784-805. 10.1177/1477370818825344

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Van der Geest, Victor and Bijleveld, Catrien 2018. Introduction to the special issue: Outcomes of children raised in out-of-home care. Longitudinal and Life-course Studies: International Journal 9 (1) , pp. 1-5. 10.14301/llcs.v9i1.492

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, van der Geest, Victor and Bijleveld, Catrien 2018. Adult outcomes of youths who have spent time in a judicial treatment institution in the Netherlands. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 9 (1) , pp. 58-79. 10.14301/llcs.v9i1.461

Van der Geest, V., Skardhamar, T. and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2017. Changes in offending around official labor market entry: Vulnerable youths in transition to adulthood. Blokland, A. and Van der Geest, V., eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 247-265.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Van der Geest, Victor and Blokland, Arjan 2017. Verhuizing als desistance factor? De relatie tussen residentiële mobiliteit en crimineel gedrag [Residential change as desistance factor? The relationship between residential mobility and offending]. Bijleveld, Catrien and Van der Laan, Peter, eds. Liber Amicorum Gerben Bruinsma, [Liber Amicorum professor Gerben Bruinsma]. Den Haag: Boom Criminologie, pp. 324-332.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, van der Geest, Victor and Blokland, Arjan 2016. Adult life adjustment of vulnerable youths. The relationship between criminal history, employment history and adult life outcomes. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 2 , pp. 466-493. 10.1007/s40865-016-0040-7

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2016. Effects of unemployment, conviction and incarceration on employment. a longitudinal study on the employment prospects of disadvantaged youths. British Journal of Criminology 56 (4) , pp. 729-749. 10.1093/bjc/azv074

van Delft, I., Finkenauer, C. and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2016. Child maltreatment and social connectedness among formerly institutionalized females: links with depression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31 (8) , pp. 1393-1412. 10.1177/0886260514567959

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Apel, Robert, Van der Geest, Victor R. and Blokland, Arjan A. J. 2015. Work, income support, and crime in the Dutch welfare state: a longitudinal study following vulnerable youth into adulthood. Criminology 53 (4) , pp. 545-570. 10.1111/1745-9125.12080

Van der Geest, V., Blokland, A. and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2015. Criminaliteit en werk: Wat is de rol van werk in veranderingen in crimineel gedrag over de levensloop? [Crime and employment: what is the role of employment in changes in criminal behaviour over the life course?]. Panocticon , pp. 266-282.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2014. Previously institutionalized youths on the road to adulthood. A longitudinal study on employment and crime. PhD Thesis, VU University Amsterdam.

Weerman, F., Van der Geest, V., Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: and Blokland, A 2013. Employment, education and crime: An introduction to a complex field of research. Weerman, F. M. and Bijleveld, C. C. J. H., eds. Criminal Behaviour from School to the Workplace: Untangling the Complex Relations between Employment, Education, and Crime, Routledge Studies in Criminal Behaviour, London: Routledge, pp. 1-22.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Van der Geest, V. R. and Blokland, A. A. J. 2013. Educational level, employment, and crime: a longitudinal study of disadvantaged youths. Weerman, F. M. and Bijleveld, C. C. J. H., eds. Criminal Behaviour from School to the Workplace: Untangling the Complex Relations between Employment, Education, and Crime, Routledge Studies in Criminal Behaviour, London: Routledge, pp. 122-141.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Apel, R., Van der Geest., V. and Blokland, A. 2013. Werk, uitkeringen en criminaliteit. Kwetsbare jongeren gevolgd van 18 tot 32 jaar [Employment, income support and crime]. Mens & Maatschappij , pp. 253-275.

Van der Geest, Victor, Bijleveld, Catrien and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2013. Vallen en opstaan. Mannen en vrouwen 17 jaar na vertrek uit een justitiële jeugdinrichting. Amsterdam: NSCR.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Blokland, Arjan and Geest, Victor van der 2012. Effects of employment and unemployment on serious offending in a high-risk sample of men and women from ages 18 to 32 in the Netherlands. British Journal of Criminology 52 (5) , pp. 845-869. 10.1093/bjc/azs023

Van Erp, J., Van der Geest, V., Huisman, W. and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2011. Criminaliteit en werk. Een veelzijdig verband [The relationship between employment and crime]. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie , pp. 71-85.

Verbruggen, Janna ORCID:, Blokland, A. and Van der Geest, V. 2011. Werk, werkduur en criminaliteit. Effecten van werk en werkduur op criminaliteit in een hoogrisicogroep mannen en vrouwen van 18 tot 32 jaar [Employment, employment duration and crime]. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie , pp. 116-139.

Slotboom, Anne-Marie, Hendriks, Jan and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2011. Contrasting adolescent female and male sexual aggression: A self-report study on prevalence and predictors of sexual aggression. Journal of Sexual Aggression 17 (1) , pp. 15-33. 10.1080/13552600.2010.544413

Hendriks, J., Slotboom, A. and Verbruggen, Janna ORCID: 2010. Zelfgerapporteerde seksuele dwang onder adolescenten [Sexual coercion among adolescents]. Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie , pp. 33-43.

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