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Number of items: 6.

Aldmour, Rakan, Burnap, Pete ORCID: and Lakoju, Mike 2019. Risk assessment methods for converged IoT and SCADA systems: review and recommendations. Presented at: Living in the Internet of Things (IoT 2019), London, UK, 1-2 May 2019. Living in the Internet of Things (IoT 2019). IET, pp. 5-10. 10.1049/cp.2019.0130

Aldmour, Rakan, Yousef, S., Yaghi, M., Tapaswi, S., Pattanaik, K. K. and Cole, M. 2017. New cloud offloading algorithm for better energy consumption and process time. International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management 8 (S2) , S730-S733. 10.1007/s13198-016-0515-2

Aldmour, Rakan, Yousef, Sufian, Yaghi, Mohammad and Kapogiannis, Georgios 2017. MECCA offloading cloud model over wireless interfaces for optimal power reduction and processing time. Presented at: 2017 IEEE Smart World Congress, San Francisco, CA, USA, 4-8 August 2017. 2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation. IEEE, 10.1109/UIC-ATC.2017.8397639

Aldmour, Rakan, Yousef, Sufian, Albaadani, Faris and Yaghi, Mohammad 2017. Efficient energy and processes time algorithm for offloading using cloud computing. Presented at: International Conference on Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability, London, UK, 18-20 January 2017. Published in: Jahankhani, Hamid, Carlile, Alex, Emm, David, Hosseinian-Far, Amin, Brown, Guy and Sexton, Graham eds. Global Security, Safety and Sustainability - The Security Challenges of the Connected World. ICGS3 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science , vol.630 Cham: Springer, pp. 364-370. 10.1007/978-3-319-51064-4_29

Faris, Al-Baadani, Yousef, Sufian, Aldmour, Rakan, Al-Jabouri, Laith, Tapaswi, Shashikala and Patnaik, Kiran Kumar 2017. A novel energy sleep mode based on standard deviation ‘ESMSD’ algorithm for adaptive clustering in MANETs. Presented at: ICGS3 2017, London, UK, 18-20 January 2017. Published in: Jahankhani, Hamid, Carlile, Alex, Emm, David, Hosseinian-Far, Amin, Brown, Guy, Sexton, Graham and Arshad, Jamal eds. Global Security, Safety and Sustainability - The Security Challenges of the Connected World. ICGS3 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science (630) Cham: Springer, pp. 385-393. 10.1007/978-3-319-51064-4_31

Sarayreh, Bashar, Mardawi, Ammar and Aldmour, Rakan 2012. Comparative study: the Nonaka model of knowledge management. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 1 (6) , pp. 45-48.

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