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Number of items: 7.

Kottmann, Nora, Mithani, Forum and Scherer, Elisabeth 2022. Screening love: Relational practices in Japanese TV dramas produced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Japan Focus 20 (14(3)) , 5722.

Mithani, Forum and Kirsch, Griseldis 2022. Handbook of Japanese media and popular culture in transition. Japan Documents Handbook Series, Tokyo: MHM.

Mithani, Forum 2022. Intersections of difference: sex, gender and disability in Japanese visual media. Mithani, Forum and Kirsch, Griseldis, eds. Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition, Japan Documents Handbook Series, Tokyo: MHM, pp. 171-185.

Kirsch, Griseldis and Mithani, Forum 2022. Introduction. Mithani, Forum and Kirsch, Griseldis, eds. Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition, Japan Documents Handbook Series, Tokyo: MHM, xiii-xxvii. (10.1017/9789048559268.002)

McCabe, Janet, Liarou, Eleni, Agger, Gunhild, Akass, Kim, Buonanno, Milly, Chung, Elaine ORCID:, Delveroudi, Eliza-Anna, Esan, Oluyinka, Horsley-Heather, Emma, Jackson, Vanessa, Jedličková, Jana, Kirsch, Griselds, Leman, Joy, Mello, Cecília, Mithani, Forum, Stolyar, Julia, Sawhney, Rashmi and Turnbull, Sue 2020. Researching women's television history. Ross, Karen, Bachmann, Ingrid, Cardo, Valentina, Moorti, Sujata and Scarcelli, Marco, eds. The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication, John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc241)

Mithani, Forum 2019. (De)constructing nostalgic myths of the mother in Japanese drama Woman. SERIES: International Journal of TV Serial Narratives 5 (2) , pp. 71-82. 10.6092/issn.2421-454X/9153

Mithani, Forum 2019. Maternal fantasies in an era of crisis – single mothers, self-sacrifice and sexuality in Japanese television drama. Portier-Le Cocq, Fabienne, ed. Motherhood in Contemporary International Perspective: Continuity and Change, London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 177-190.

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