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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 17.

Illingworth, James 2022. The cataleptic novel: living on with George Sand. Open Library of Humanities 8 (1) 10.16995/olh.7687

Illingworth, James and Zohoré, Lassane 2022. Political cartooning in Côte d'Ivoire: interview with Lassane Zohoré. [Online]. University of Leicester Staff Blogs. Available at:

Louwagie, Fransiska, Weidman, Sarah, Bamberg, Ingrid, Karimi Mwiti, Betty, Thembekile Levine, Di and Illingworth, James 2022. Community-building through political cartoons in Kenya, South Africa and Côte d’Ivoire. LIAS Working Paper Series 8 , pp. 1-16. 10.29311/lwps.202284092

Illingworth, James 2021. Martine Watrelot, ed., George Sand et les sciences de la Vie et de la Terre [Book Review]. H-France Review 21 (200) , pp. 1-6.

Critchley, Mark, Illingworth, James and Wright, Vicky 2021. Survey of language provision in UK universities in 2021. United Kingfom: niversity Council of Modern Languages (UCML), Association for University Language Communities in the UK & Ireland (AULC). Available at:

Illingworth, James 2021. George Sand's volcanic imagination. Modern and Contemporary France 29 , pp. 131-143. 10.1080/09639489.2020.1826416

Illingworth, James 2021. Third year at home: How can universities provide a meaningful 'year abroad' during a global pandemic. Linguist 60 (2) , pp. 12-13.

Illingworth, James 2020. "Elle n'a pas besoin qu'on la défende, seulement qu'on la comprenne": George Sand et les transcendantalistes américains. Cahiers George Sand 42 , pp. 87-104.

Illingworth, James 2019. Le corps déchaîné. Diaz, Jose-Luis and Yon, Jean-Claude, eds. Le Magasin du XIXe siècle, Vol. 9. Societe des Etudes Romantiques and Dix-Neuviemistes, pp. 228-229.

Illingworth, James 2019. Présence du roman gothique anglais dans les premiers romans de George Sand. Par Marilyn Mallia. French Studies 73 (3) , pp. 463-464. 10.1093/fs/knz088

Illingworth, James 2019. Joséphine Bowes (1825-1874), shopaholic or patroness of the arts? Allison, Maggie, Tarr, Carrie and Evans, Elliot, eds. Plaisirs de femmes: Women, Pleasure and Transgression in French Literature and Culture, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 73-87.

Illingworth, James 2019. 'Le Médecin de son âm'?: Empathy and the limits of medical knowledge in George Sand's novels. George Sand Studies 37-38 , pp. 153-169.

Illingworth, James 2018. Lise Bissonnette, Maurice Sand: Une œuvre et son brisant au 19e siècle [Book Review]. H-France Review 18 (115) , pp. 1-4.

Illingworth, James 2017. The French library of John and Joséphine Bowes. French Studies Library Group Annual Review 13 , pp. 37-45.

Illingworth, James 2017. Genius envy: women shaping French poetic history, 1801-1900 [Book Review]. Modern and Contemporary France 26 (1) 10.1080/09639489.2017.1389871

Illingworth, James 2017. Vision in the novels of George Sand [Book Review]. Modern and Contemporary France 25 (3) , pp. 343-344. 10.1080/09639489.2017.1308341

Illingworth, James 2017. The allure of the occult: The Bonapartes and the Sibyl of Saint-Germain. Stammers, Tom, ed. The Allure of Napoleon: Essays Inspired by the Collections of the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle: The Bowes Museum, pp. 29-32.

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