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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 15.

Parsons, Gareth 2024. Airing Pain: Bringing together the pain community. Pain News 22 (3) , pp. 97-99.

Parsons, Gareth 2024. The social side of pain: the social in the biopsychosocial model. Pain News 22 (1) , pp. 8-10.

Yu, Juping and Parsons, Gareth Simon 2023. Immersive digital story intervention on empathy in Nursing students: Findings and reflection. Presented at: NETworking & Innovation in Healthcare Education Conference, 5-6 December 2023. Abstracts NET 2023.

Yu, Juping, Parsons, Gareth, Lancastle, Deborah, Tonkin, Emma T. and Ganesh, Siva 2021. "Walking in their shoes": the effects of an immersive digital story intervention on empathy in nursing students. Nursing Open 8 (5) , pp. 2813-2823. 10.1002/nop2.860

Parsons, Gareth 2019. The evidence base for pain management of people with dementia in the community is weak and needs to be improved. Evidence-Based Nursing 23 (3) , 80. 10.1136/ebnurs-2019-103137

Parsons, Gareth S 2019. Dementia is strongly linked to Down syndrome and contributes to early death in people with Down syndrome. Evidence-Based Nursing 23 (1) , p. 27. 10.1136/ebnurs-2018-103060

Parsons, Gareth S 2019. Help seeking increases stress among caregivers of partners with young-onset dementia. Evidence-Based Nursing 23 (1) , p. 28. 10.1136/ebnurs-2018-103037

Parsons, Gareth 2011. Pain prevalence at a Swedish university hospital: 65% of inpatients reported pain in the past 24 h. Evidence-Based Nursing 15 (2) , pp. 40-41. 10.1136/ebnurs-2011-100047

Broom, Mark and Parsons, Gareth 2009. Patient-controlled analgesia. Glasper, Alan, McEwing, Gill and Richardson, Jim, eds. Foundation Skills for Caring, Macmillan Education {UK}, pp. 310-317.

Parsons, G. 2009. Commentary: Ginkgo biloba did not prevent dementia or Alzheimer disease in elderly people. Evidence-Based Nursing 12 (2) , p. 56. 10.1136/ebn.12.2.56

Parsons, G. 2008. Review: evidence does not support use of static magnets for pain. Evidence-Based Nursing 11 (2) , p. 49. 10.1136/ebn.11.2.49

Parsons, G. 2008. Patient education after inguinal hernia surgery did not differ from routine information for pain at rest at 7 days. Evidence-Based Nursing 11 , 26. 10.1136/ebn.11.1.26

Parsons, G. 2007. Commentary: Review: Patient controlled opioid analgesia reduces postoperative pain more than conventional as-needed opioid analgesia. Evidence-Based Nursing 10 (3) , 83. 10.1136/ebn.10.3.83

Parsons, G. 2006. Commentary: Acupuncture was better than no acupuncture but did not differ from minimal (sham) acupuncture for chronic low back pain at 8 weeks. Evidence-Based Nursing 9 (4) , p. 111. 10.1136/ebn.9.4.111

Parsons, G. 2000. Commentary: Patient controlled analgesia was more effective than nurse controlled analgesia after cardiac surgery. Evidence-Based Nursing 3 (2) , p. 53. 10.1136/ebn.3.2.53

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