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Number of items: 11.

Heimburger, Robert W., Murillo Torres, Samuel Efraín and Sam, James Wesly 2024. Teaching Christian ethics beyond Europe and North America: from a postgraduate research seminar to a theology of listening. Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (1) , pp. 93-110. 10.1177/09539468231215305

Heimburger, Robert 2022. El perdón crea comunidad y sana. Hays, Christopher M. and Acosta Benitez, Milton, eds. Fe y Desplazamiento: la investigación-acción misional ante la crisis colombiana del desplazamiento forzoso, Resource Publications, pp. 229-246.

Carmona, Victor and Heimburger, Robert W. 2022. The border, Brexit, and the church: US Roman Catholic and Church of England Bishops’ teaching on migration, 2015-2019. Journal of Moral Theology 11 (2) , pp. 15-44. 10.55476/001c.37340

Greggs, Thomas Heimburger, R.W., ed. 2021. Barth and Bonhoeffer as contributors to a post-liberal ecclesiology: Essays of hope for a fallen and complex world. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.

Heimburger, Robert W. 2021. Review: Amy Laura Hall, laughing at the devil: seeing the world with Julian of Norwich. Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (2) , pp. 263-265. 10.1177/0953946820984085h

Heimburger, Robert W. 2019. Immigration law: a theological response. Theology 122 (5) , pp. 324-331. 10.1177/0040571X19858

Heimburger, Robert W., Hays, Christopher M. and Mejía-Castillo, Guillermo 2019. Forgiveness and politics: Reading Matthew 18:21–35 with survivors of armed conflict in Colombia. {HTS} Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 75 (4) , a5245. 10.4102/hts.v75i4.5245

Heimburger, Robert W. 2017. God and the illegal alien': United States immigration law and a theology of politics. Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781316817131

Heimburger, Robert W. 2015. Fear and faith in the kin-dom: new explorations in the theology of migration. Modern Theology 31 (2) , pp. 338-344. 10.1111/moth.12150

Heimburger, Robert W. 2013. Ched Myers and Matthew Colwell, our God is undocumented. Political Theology 14 (5) , pp. 686-688. 10.1179/1462317X13Z.00000000025

Heimburger, Robert 2010. Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook, eds,Isaiah's vision of peace in biblical and modern international relations: swords into plowshares. Political Theology 11 (2) , pp. 301-303. 10.1558/poth.v11i2.301

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