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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 3.

Ehrich, Kathryn, Cowie, Luke and Sandall, Jane 2015. Expect the unexpected: patients' and families' expectations and experiences of new clinical procedures. Health Expectations 18 (5) , pp. 918-928. 10.1111/hex.12065

Cowie, Luke, Sandall, Jane and Ehrich, Kathryn 2013. Reflections on the implementation of governance structures for early-stage clinical innovation. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6) , pp. 1019-1025. 10.1111/jep.12013

Burgess, Caroline, Cowie, Luke and Gulliford, Martin 2012. Patients' perceptions of error in long-term illness care: qualitative study. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 17 (3) , pp. 181-187. 10.1258/jhsrp.2012.011122

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