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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 23.

Alexander, Anthony, Kumar, Maneesh ORCID:, Walker, Helen ORCID: and Gosling, Jon ORCID: 2024. Innovation for zero-deforestation sustainable supply chain management services: a performance measurement and management approach. Supply Chain Management 29 (3) , pp. 620-641. 10.1108/SCM-02-2023-0088

Alexander, Anthony, Kumar, Maneesh ORCID: and Walker, Helen ORCID: 2018. A decision theory perspective on complexity in performance measurement and management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 38 (11) , pp. 2214-2244. 10.1108/IJOPM-10-2016-0632

Alexander, Anthony Edward 2016. A review of practitioner impact for sustainable operations and supply chain research in the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014. Presented at: Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Lancaster UK, 11-12 April 2016. Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum.

Alexander, Anthony Edward and Walker, Helen ORCID: 2016. Symbolic or substantive claims: an analysis of planetary boundary impacts from tracing supply chains of UK based companies. Presented at: Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Lancaster UK, 11-12 April 2016. Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum.

Alexander, Anthony Edward and Walker, Helen L. ORCID: 2016. Decision making in sustainable supply chain management: cross-sector case studies of implementation. Presented at: IPSERA 2016, Dortmund, Germany, 20-24 March 2016. IPSERA 2016 Proceedings. Dortmund, Germany:

Alexander, Anthony Edward 2016. Sustainable supply chain management and decision theory: a qualitative exploration using planetary boundaries and social foundations. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Alexander, Anthony, Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2014. Decision theory in sustainable supply chain management: a literature review. Supply Chain Management 19 (5/6) , pp. 504-522. 10.1108/SCM-01-2014-0007

Fairchild, Richard and Alexander, Anthony 2014. A game theory analysis of trust and social capital in sustainable supply chain management. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Belfast, UK, 8-11 September 2014.

Alexander, Anthony, Touboulic, Anne ORCID: and Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: 2014. Making sense of SSCM: How companies express sustainable supply chain management issues in their public reports. Presented at: 1st Euroma Sustainability Forum, Groningen, The Netherlands, 24-25 March 2014.

Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID:, Alexander, Anthony and Touboulic, Anne ORCID: 2013. An overview of sustainable public procurement research. Balancing Social, Environmental and Economic Considerations in Procurement, Supplement to the Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement, vol. 2012. United Nations, pp. 8-14.

Alexander, Anthony and Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: 2013. Sustainable supply chain management: achieving optimal performance and outcomes. Presented at: 20th EurOMA Conference 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 7-12 June 2013.

Alexander, Anthony and Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: 2013. Sustainable supply chain management and decision making: A literature review of decision analysis, stakeholders and systems theory. Presented at: IPSERA2013, Nantes, France, 24-27 March 2013.

Alexander, Anthony 2012. Sustainable business: Naive dream or new frontier? Presented at: WBS Business Cafe, Warwick University, UK, 8 Nov 2012.

Alexander, Anthony 2012. Systems thinking in strategy, marketing and supply chain and application for business sustainability. Presented at: Understanding Complex Systems, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 27 September 2012. Published in: Spiegler, Virginia L. M. ORCID: and Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID: eds. Understanding Complex Systems: Conference Proceedings. Cardiff: Cardiff University, pp. 26-31.

Alexander, Anthony 2011. Sustainability, marketing and the co-creation of value. Presented at: Learning from nature – the new agenda for business success: A Tomorrow’s Natural Business Conference, Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales, London, UK, 11 November 2011.

Taylor, David and Alexander, Anthony 2011. Understanding Places: Peace and Winter Gardens, Tyne Quayside & South Bank. Evans, Brian, McDonald, Frank and Rudlin, David, eds. Urban Identity: Learning from Place, Learning from Place, vol. 2. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 140-163.

Alexander, Anthony 2009. Britain's New Towns: Garden cities to sustainable communities. London: Routledge.

Thorne, Robert, Filmer-Sankey, William and Alexander, Anthony 2009. Transportation. Ritchie, Adam and Thomas, Randall, eds. Sustainable Urban Design: An Environmental Approach. 2nd ed., London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 21-30.

Alexander, Anthony 2008. Different paths, same mountain: Daoism, ecology and the new paradigm of science. International Journal of Green Economics 2 (2) , pp. 153-175. 10.1504/IJGE.2008.019997

Alexander, Anthony and Morton, Andrew 2007. Density and value: How much development can a regeneration project support and still make good places? Answer: It all depends on the local context. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal 1 (1) , pp. 83-95.

Alexander, Anthony 2005. Globalism and local democracy: Challenge and change in Europe and North America [Book review]. Organization & Environment 18 (2) , pp. 252-254. 10.1177/1086026605275996

Alexander, Anthony 2002. Alex Begg. Empowering the Earth: Strategies for Social Change. Totnes, UK: Green Books, 2000 [Book Review]. Organization & Environment 15 (2) , pp. 217-220. 10.1177/10826602015002008

Alexander, Anthony 2001. Fikret Berkes. Sacred Ecology: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management. Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, 1999. [Book Review]. Organization & Environment 14 (3) , pp. 377-380. 10.1177/1086026601143009

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