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Number of items: 8.

Brown, Phillip ORCID: and Sparks, Richard, eds. 1989. Beyond Thatcherism: social policy, politics and society. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Lloyd, David ORCID:, Coombs, Graham H. and Paget, Timothy A. P., eds. 1989. Biochemistry and molecular biology of "anaerobic" protozoa. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers.

Cole, Alistair Mark ORCID: and Campbell, Peter 1989. French electoral systems and elections since 1789. Aldershot: Gower.

Collingwood, Robin George Boucher, David ORCID:, ed. 1989. Essays in political philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon.

Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 1989. A history of financial accounting. London: Routledge.

Graham, J. R., Leake, Bernard Edgley and Ryan, P. D. 1989. The geology of South Mayo. Scottish Academic Press.

Haddock, Bruce Anthony 1989. Uma Introdocao ao Pensamento Historico. Constructing the Past, Lisbon: Gradiva Publications.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1989. Iron Age pottery production in the Hunsrück-Eifel-Kultur of Germany: a world-system perspective. BAR International Series, vol. 501. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.

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