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Small Business Enterprise Marketing. Eighteen Case Studies

Strong, Carolyn 2024. Small Business Enterprise Marketing. Eighteen Case Studies. Germany: DeGruyter. 10.1515/9783110756142

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This book tells the stories of a selection of successful small business enterprises. It is not an account of financial success or brand share, it is a collection of narratives about the journeys made by inspiring, determined, innovative individuals who have applied their passion and skills to the creation of successful small businesses. The case studies tell compelling stories of personal achievement and business success, and encourage the reader to find out more about the small business owners and their products. The stories are about small, strong brands who are socially viable, well established and contribute to society and the local community. Across all the case studies, there is a recurring theme of not just making a profit; but a passion and motivation to succeed.

Item Type: Book
Book Type: Authored Book
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Business (Including Economics)
Publisher: DeGruyter
ISBN: 978-3-11-075612-8
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2024 12:15

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