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Providing inclusive transdisciplinary coursework assessment: What happened next?

Davies, Aled W. 2024. Providing inclusive transdisciplinary coursework assessment: What happened next? Engineering For Social Change, Vol. 60. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, pp. 739-748. (10.3233/atde240925)

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Assessments frame how students learn and what they achieve, so it is therefore essential that learners are given an equal opportunity to demonstrate their learning and understanding. Inclusive coursework assessment is often overlooked within universities but by offering a range of assessment approaches for students to demonstrate their learning, all learners can be given an equitable chance of success. Choice in how students evidence their knowledge and understanding can create a more inclusive, caring and motivational learning environment. Embracing educational equality and equity and the promotion of the pedagogy of care around inclusivity is key. Fundamentally, this is not about enabling outliers to join in but in providing a choice of assessment formats for every student. This review recounts the challenges faced by staff and students on developing inter and trans-disciplinary inclusive assessments for two engineering modules. Reflections on this approach to providing a range of authentic, relevant and valuable assessments include how to develop student assessment literacy to make informed choices, mapping of learning outcomes across different assessment formats, managing student expectations and implementing change without causing undue stress and anxiety – for both staff and students. This approach has been warmly praised by students across whole cohorts and not specifically by those who were expected to benefit the most. Interestingly, an inclusive mindset contributed positively to the engagement and experience of all students.

Item Type: Book Section
Book Type: Edited Book
Status: Published
Schools: Schools > Engineering
ISBN: 978-1-64368-550-2
ISSN: 2352-751X
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2024 15:15

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