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The development of an exemplar e-module for the continuing professional development of European dentists

Kossioni, A. E., Kavadella, A., Tzoutzas, I., Bakas, A., Tsiklakis, K., Bailey, S., Bullock, Alison Deborah ORCID:, Cowpe, Jon, Barnes, Emma J. ORCID:, Thomas, Hannah Sian, Thomas, R., Karaharju-Suvanto, T., Suomalainen, K., Kersten, H., Povel, E., Giles, M., Walmsley, D., Soboleva, U., Liepa, Andra and Akota, I. 2013. The development of an exemplar e-module for the continuing professional development of European dentists. European Journal of Dental Education 17 (s1) , pp. 38-44. 10.1111/eje.12029

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Aim To present the development of an exemplar e-module for dental continuing professional development (CPD) provided by dental schools and other dental educational providers. Materials and methods The exemplar e-module covered the topic of ‘Sterilisation and cross-infection control in the dental practice’ as this is one of the most recommended topics for dental CPD in Europe. It was developed by a group of topic experts, adult learning and distance learning experts and a technical developer. Major concerns were pedagogy, interoperability, usability and cost reduction. Open-source material was used to reduce the cost of development. Results The e-module was pre-piloted in dental practitioners for usability and then evaluated by experts in the field and dental academics through an electronic questionnaire and an online presentation and discussion at the ADEE 2012 Special Interest Group on DentCPD-Lifelong learning. This facilitated refinement before final production. A Creative Commons License was implemented to ensure the developers’ rights and facilitate wider distribution and access to CPD providers. Discussion and conclusions The e-module was developed according to well-defined pedagogical and technical guidelines for developing e-learning material for adult learners. It was structured to promote self-study by directing learners through their study, promoting interaction with the material, offering explanation and providing feedback. Content validity was ensured by extensive review by experts. The next step would be to expand the evaluation to practising dentists in various countries after relevant translations, and adaptations to local policies have been made.

Item Type: Article
Date Type: Publication
Status: Published
Schools: Cardiff Unit for Research and Evaluation in Medical and Dental Education (CUREMeDE)
Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education
Social Sciences (Includes Criminology and Education)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
L Education > LC Special aspects of education > LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education
R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Uncontrolled Keywords: continuing professional development; dentists; e-learning; information technology
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISSN: 1600-0579
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025 22:51

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